****************************************************************************** Source: The Graphics, Visualization, & Usability (GVU) Center Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 Copyright 1997 (Please refer to notice below) Georgia Tech Research Corporation Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED E-mail: www-survey@cc.gatech.edu Legend: Each question is one column in the dataset (except for checkbox questions which have multiple columns). The first row in the datasets is the header, and contains a code that represents each question. We call this code the 'FIELD NAME' (see below example). Another set of codes is used to represent the set of possible response choices. These response choices correspond to the value of the HTML Form. each row after the header represents one user's responses. Each user id assigned a unique id that is located in the 'who' field. Below is an example from the general.cb file. FIELD NAME: "inet_years" "inet_years" QUESTION: "How long have you been on the Internet (including using email, gopher, ftp, etc.)?" QUESTION TYPE: "radio" CODE & ANSWER: "under6" "Less than 6 months" CODE & ANSWER: "6_to_12" "6 to 12 months" CODE & ANSWER: "1_to_3" "1 to 3 years" CODE & ANSWER: "4_to_6" "4 to 6 years" CODE & ANSWER: "over_7" "7 years or more" DELIMITER: @@@ This indicates that the field name for the question is "inet_years", which was asked via a radio button. The response code "under6" corresponds to the "Less than 6 months" text (which is what the respondents who took the survey saw next to the radio button). If you have any questions about HTML encodings, please view the source code from the 'Questions' pages . Checkbox questions are encoded differently. Each response choice is a separate column in the dataset. The response code is appended to the field name with a '.' in between. A '1' is assigned if the user selected this response, otherwise a '0' is assigned. For example, the below question: "entry" "entry" "How did you find out about the GVU's Seventh WWW User Survey? \nPlease check all that apply." "checkbox" "page" "Followed URL from another Web page" "nntp" "Saw postings to WWW related newsgroups" "mail" "Received email from www-surveying mailing list" "friend" "Was told URL by friend" "magazine" "Read about it in a magazine" "paper" "Read about it in a newspaper" "memory" "Remembered to participate from last survey" "other" "Other Sources" @@@ results in the following field names: entry.page entry.nntp entry.mail entry.friend ... ****************************************************************************** Copyright 1997 Georgia Tech Research Corporation Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This material may be modified, copied and redistributed, both within the recipient's organization and externally, subject to the following restrictions: (a) The recipient may not derive any income financial or monetary gain through the use of the information provided herein which is the property of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation (herein "GTRC"); (b) In any material based on this information, the recipient agrees to acknowledge GTRC and the GVU Center; (c) Any copies made of this material must be accompanied by the following copyright notice: "Copyright 1997 Georgia Tech Research Corporation. All rights Reserved. Source: GVU's Seventh WWW User Survey URL:http://www.gvu.gatech.edu/user_surveys/."; and (d) The recipient agrees to obey all U.S. Government restrictions governing redistribution or export of such information. These restrictions may apply to redistribution within an international organization. GTRC makes no warranties or representations, either expressed or implied, with respect to the results contained herein, its quality, merchantability, performance or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall GTRC or its developers, directors, officers, employees or affiliates be liable for direct, incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages (including damages or loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) resulting from any defect in this material or its documentation or arising out of the use or inability to use this material or accompanying documentation even if GTRC, an authorized representative or a GTRC affiliate has been advised of the possibility of such damage. GTRC makes no representation or warranty regarding the results obtainable through use of this material. No oral or written information or advice given by GTRC, its dealers, distributors, agents, affiliates, developers, directors, officers or employees shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of this warranty. ****************************************************************************** 20 "Hours Spend on Political Material" "Hours Spend on Political Material" "How many hours per day, on average, do you spend viewing, \nlistening to, or reading news or other political material?" "radio" "Less than 15 min" "Less than 15 minutes" "15-30 min" "15 to 30 minutes" "30-60 min" "30 to 60 minutes" "1-2 hrs" "1 to 2 hours" "2-3 hrs" "2 to 3 hours" "Over 3 hrs" "More than 3 hours" "Don't know" "Don't know" "No Answer" "No answer" @@@ "Primary Sources of Political Information" "Primary Sources of Political Information" "What are your primary sources of news & information on political issues & events. \n(Please check all that apply.)" "checkbox" "National Paper" "National newspapers" "Local Paper" "Local newspapers" "Magazines" "Magazines" "Professional Journals" "Journals with a professional focus" "Talk Radio" "Talk radio" "News Radio" "Radio stations with a news focus, e.g. NPR" "Network TV News" "Network television news " "TV News Channels" "News and information tv channels, e.g. CNN, C-Span" "Online News" "Online news, Web sites, email lists" "Offline Conversation" "Offline conversations" "Online Conversation" "Online discussions/exchanges" @@@ "Elected Officials Attitudes Toward People" "Elected Officials Attitudes Toward People" "Which statement comes closest to your own views, even if \nneither is exactly right? " "radio" "Do Care" "Most elected officials DO care what people like me think." "Don't Care" "Most elected officials DON'T care what people like me think." "No Answer" "No answer" @@@ "Frequently Visited Political Web Sites" "Frequently Visited Political Web Sites" "Which of the following Web sites do you visit frequently? \n(Please check all that apply.)" "checkbox" "Online Newspapers" "Online newspaper" "CNN" "CNN" "Fedworld" "Fedworld Sources" "PoliticsNow" "PoliticsNow (formerly PoliticsUSA)" "Thomas" "Thomas" "Time/Pathfinder" "Time/Pathfinder" "AllPolitics" "AllPolitics" "Party's home page" "A political party's home page" "White House" "White House home page" "Search Engine" "A Web Search Engine, e.g., AltaVista" "Don't Know" "Don't know" "Other" "Other" @@@ "Use of Electronic White House Documents" "Use of Electronic White House Documents" "Have you ever read, used, or distributed an electronic document \nfrom the White House in the United States such as a press release, \nofficial announcement, or transcript?" "radio" "Frequently" "Yes, frequently" "Occasionally" "Yes, occasionally" "Infrequenty" "Yes, infrequently" "No" "No" "Don't Know" "Don't know" @@@ "Involvement with Issues" "Involvement with Issues" "Complete the following sentence in the way that comes closest \nto your own views: \n'Since getting on the Net, I have ...'" "radio" "More Involved" "... become MORE involved in issues that interest me." "Less Involved" "... become LESS involved in issues that interest me." "Equally Involved" "... become EQUALLY involved in issues that interest me." "Don't know" "... Don't know/No answer. " @@@ "Offline Political Activities" "Offline Political Activities" "Which of the following types of OFFLINE political activity have you taken part in during the past year? \n(Please check all that apply.)" "checkbox" "Sign Petition" "Organize/sign a petition " "Attend Meeting" "Organize/attend a public meeting " "Write Official" "Write/call a government official " "Attend Rally" "Attend a political rally/speech " "Discuss Issues" "Discuss political issues " "Join Group" "Join a political group " "Volunteer" "Volunteer/work for a party/candidate " "Contribute Money" "Solicit/contribute money " "Influence Others" "Try to influence how other vote " "Distribute Information" "Obtain/distribute political info " "Other" "Other/None " @@@ "Online Political Activities" "Online Political Activities" "Which of the following types of ONLINE political activity have you taken part \nin during the past year? \n(Please check all that apply)" "checkbox" "Sign Petition" "Organize/sign a petition" "Attend Meeting" "Organize/attend a public meeting" "Write Official" "Write/call a government official " "Attend Rally" "Attend a political rally/speech" "Discuss Issues" "Discuss political issues" "Join Group" "Join a political group" "Volunteer" "Volunteer/work for a party/candidate" "Contribute Money" "Solicit/contribute money" "Influence Others" "Try to influence how other vote" "Distribute Information" "Obtain/distribute political info" "Other" "Other/None" @@@ "Emailing Government Officials" "Emailing Government Officials" "How many times have you sent electronic mail to your government's highest \npolitical official in the last year? (President in US) " "radio" "Never" "Never" "1-2 times" "1 to 2 times" "3-5 times" "3 to 5 times" "6-10 times" "6 to 10 times" "11-20 times" "11 to 20 times" "Over 20 times" "More than 20 times" "Can't email" "Can not email highest official" "Don't know" "Don't know" @@@ "bogus" "bogus" "Government Involvement in Personal Issues For each of the following statements, choose Yes when you agree with a statement, Maybe if you are not sure or need more information, and No if \nyou disagree with the statement. If the question does not apply to you, choose \"Does not apply\". (These questions are modified from a quiz developed by Advocates \nFor Self-Government who are otherwise unaffiliated with this survey.)\n" "banner" @@@ "Military Service" "Military Service" "Military service should be voluntary. (There should be no draft.)" "radio" "Yes" "Yes" "Maybe" "Maybe" "No" "No" "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@ "Media Control" "Media Control" "Government should have some control over radio, TV, the press and/or the Internet." "radio" "Yes" "Yes" "Maybe" "Maybe" "No" "No" "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@ "Sex Regulation" "Sex Regulation" "Government has the right to regulate sex between consenting adults." "radio" "Yes" "Yes" "Maybe" "Maybe" "No" "No" "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@ "Drug Laws" "Drug Laws" "Laws against drugs do more harm than good." "radio" "Yes" "Yes" "Maybe" "Maybe" "No" "No" "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@ "Crossing Borders" "Crossing Borders" "Let peaceful people cross borders freely." "radio" "Yes" "Yes" "Maybe" "Maybe" "No" "No" "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@ "bogus" "bogus" "Government Involvement in Economic Issues For each of the following statements, choose Yes when you agree with a statement, Maybe if you are not sure or need more information, and No if \nyou disagree with the statement. If the question does not apply to you, choose \"Does not apply\". (These questions are modified from a quiz developed by Advocates \nFor Self-Government who are otherwise unaffiliated with this survey.) \n\n" "banner" @@@ "Government Subsidies" "Government Subsidies" "Businesses and farms should be given government subsidies when needed." "radio" "Yes" "Yes" "Maybe" "Maybe" "No" "No" "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@ "Free Trade"; "Free Trade"; "People are better off with free trade than with tariffs. " "radio" "Yes" "Yes " "Maybe" "Maybe " "No" "No " "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@ "Minimum Wage"; "Minimum Wage"; "Minimum wage laws cause unemployment. " "radio" "Yes" "Yes " "Maybe" "Maybe " "No" "No " "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@ "Taxes"; "Taxes"; "Taxes are needed to fund public services. User fees won't work. " "radio" "Yes" "Yes " "Maybe" "Maybe " "No" "No " "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@ "Foreign Aid"; "Foreign Aid"; "Both government and private funding should be used for foreign aid. " "radio" "Yes" "Yes " "Maybe" "Maybe " "No" "No " "Does not apply" "Does not apply" @@@