****************************************************************************** Source: The Graphics, Visualization, & Usability (GVU) Center Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 Copyright 1997 (Please refer to notice below) Georgia Tech Research Corporation Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED E-mail: www-survey@cc.gatech.edu Legend: Each question is one column in the dataset (except for checkbox questions which have multiple columns). The first row in the datasets is the header, and contains a code that represents each question. We call this code the 'FIELD NAME' (see below example). Another set of codes is used to represent the set of possible response choices. These response choices correspond to the value of the HTML Form. each row after the header represents one user's responses. Each user id assigned a unique id that is located in the 'who' field. Below is an example from the general.cb file. FIELD NAME: "inet_years" "inet_years" QUESTION: "How long have you been on the Internet (including using email, gopher, ftp, etc.)?" QUESTION TYPE: "radio" CODE & ANSWER: "under6" "Less than 6 months" CODE & ANSWER: "6_to_12" "6 to 12 months" CODE & ANSWER: "1_to_3" "1 to 3 years" CODE & ANSWER: "4_to_6" "4 to 6 years" CODE & ANSWER: "over_7" "7 years or more" DELIMITER: @@@ This indicates that the field name for the question is "inet_years", which was asked via a radio button. The response code "under6" corresponds to the "Less than 6 months" text (which is what the respondents who took the survey saw next to the radio button). If you have any questions about HTML encodings, please view the source code from the 'Questions' pages . Checkbox questions are encoded differently. Each response choice is a separate column in the dataset. The response code is appended to the field name with a '.' in between. A '1' is assigned if the user selected this response, otherwise a '0' is assigned. For example, the below question: "entry" "entry" "How did you find out about the GVU's Seventh WWW User Survey? \nPlease check all that apply." "checkbox" "page" "Followed URL from another Web page" "nntp" "Saw postings to WWW related newsgroups" "mail" "Received email from www-surveying mailing list" "friend" "Was told URL by friend" "magazine" "Read about it in a magazine" "paper" "Read about it in a newspaper" "memory" "Remembered to participate from last survey" "other" "Other Sources" @@@ results in the following field names: entry.page entry.nntp entry.mail entry.friend ... ****************************************************************************** Copyright 1997 Georgia Tech Research Corporation Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This material may be modified, copied and redistributed, both within the recipient's organization and externally, subject to the following restrictions: (a) The recipient may not derive any income financial or monetary gain through the use of the information provided herein which is the property of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation (herein "GTRC"); (b) In any material based on this information, the recipient agrees to acknowledge GTRC and the GVU Center; (c) Any copies made of this material must be accompanied by the following copyright notice: "Copyright 1997 Georgia Tech Research Corporation. All rights Reserved. Source: GVU's Seventh WWW User Survey URL:http://www.gvu.gatech.edu/user_surveys/."; and (d) The recipient agrees to obey all U.S. Government restrictions governing redistribution or export of such information. These restrictions may apply to redistribution within an international organization. GTRC makes no warranties or representations, either expressed or implied, with respect to the results contained herein, its quality, merchantability, performance or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall GTRC or its developers, directors, officers, employees or affiliates be liable for direct, incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages (including damages or loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) resulting from any defect in this material or its documentation or arising out of the use or inability to use this material or accompanying documentation even if GTRC, an authorized representative or a GTRC affiliate has been advised of the possibility of such damage. GTRC makes no representation or warranty regarding the results obtainable through use of this material. No oral or written information or advice given by GTRC, its dealers, distributors, agents, affiliates, developers, directors, officers or employees shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of this warranty. ****************************************************************************** 26 "Frequency of Use" "Frequency of Use" "On average, how often do you use your WWW browser? \nBy this, we mean using your browser for a specific set of tasks or activities. \nWe do not mean how many times you launch your browser per day." "radio" "Over 9/dy" "More than 9 times/day " "5-8/dy" "5 to 8 times/day " "1-4/dy" "1 to 4 times/day " "Few Times/wk" "A few times a week " "Once/wk" "Once a week " "Once/mo" "Once a month " @@@ "Hours Used" "Hours Used" "On average, how many hours a week do you use your WWW browser?" "radio" "0-1" "0 to 1 hours/week " "2-4" "2 to 4 hours/week " "4-6" "4 to 6 hours/week " "7-9" "7 to 9 hours/week " "10-20" "10 to 20 hours/week " "Over 20" "More than 20 hours/week " @@@ "Problems Using the Web" "Problems Using the Web" "What do you find to be the biggest problems in using the Web? \n(Please check all that apply.)" "checkbox" "Organize" "Not being able to efficiently organize the information I gather " "Find Known Info" "Not being able to find a page I know is out there " "Revisit" "Not being able to return to a page I once visited " "Lost" "Not being able to determine where I am (i.e., 'lost in hyperspace' problem) " "Vizualization" "Not being able to visualize where I have been and where I can go (e.g., view portions of a web site, view clickstream) " "Speed" "It takes too long to view/download pages " "Cost" "It costs too much " "Broken Links" "Links that don't work [linkrot]" "Other" "Other " @@@ "Primary Uses of Browser" "Primary Uses of Browser" "What are the primary uses of your WWW browser? \n(Please check all that apply.)" "checkbox" "Information Gathering" "Gathering useful information" "Searching" "Searching" "Browsing" "Browsing/Surfing " "Education" "Educational " "Shopping" "Shopping " "Entertainment" "Entertainment " "Work" "Work/Business " "Communication" "Communication " "Other" "Other " @@@ "Connection Speed" "Connection Speed" "Which of the following connection speeds do you primarily use to connect to the Internet? (Round if necessary.) \nIf you access the Internet at home via a commercial provider, choose the speed from you to your Internet provider." "radio" "Under 14k" "Less than 14.4 Kb/sec " "14k" "14.4 Kb/sec (modem) " "28k" "28.8 Kb/sec (modem) " "33k" "33.6 Kb/sec (modem)" "56k" "56 Kb/sec " "128k" "128 Kb/sec (ISDN) " "1m " "1 Mb/sec (T1) " "10m " "10 Mb/sec " "4m" "45 Mb/sec (T3) " "Over 45m" "Faster than 45 Mb/sec (FDDI)" "Unsure" "Do not know" @@@ "Browser You Expect to Use in 12 Months" "Browser You Expect to Use in 12 Months" "Which browser do you expect to be using in 12 months?" "radio" "AOL" "America Online" "HotJava" "Hot Java (Sun)" "Microsoft" "Internet Explorer (Microsoft)" "Netcruiser" "Netcruiser (Netcom)" "Netscape" "Navigator (Netscape)" "PSI" "PSI Pipeline" "Other" "Other browser" "Spry" "Spry Mosaic" @@@ "Browsing Strategies" "Browsing Strategies" "People browse the Web in many different ways. Please put a check against \nall of the following that accurately describe how you like to browse the Web." "checkbox" "Bookmark" "Go to links from my Favorites/Bookmark " "URL" "Type in the URL I want to go to " "Opportunistic" "Go from one link to another, page to page - a happy-go-lucky browser" "Index" "Locate the URL through search pages - like Alta Vista, Lycos, etc. " "Metaindex" "Locate the URL thought Meta-Indexes - like Yahoo, McKinley, etc. " @@@ "How Users Find out About WWW Pages" "How Users Find out About WWW Pages" "How do you find out about WWW pages/sites? \n(Please check all that apply.)" "checkbox" "Books" "Books" "Friends" "Friends" "WWW Pages" "Follow URLs from other Web pages" "Search Engines" "Internet searching engines/catalogues" "Usenet" "Usenet newsgroups" "Printed Mdeia" "Magazines/Newspapers" "Sigs" "Signatures at end of email messages" "TV" "Television advertisements" "Other" "Other Sources " @@@ "Number of Items in Favorites/Bookmark" "Number of Items in Favorites/Bookmark" "Approximately how many items does your Favorites/Bookmark contain?" "radio" "Don't Use" "I don't use Favorites/Bookmarks" "Don't Know" "I don't have know" "1-10" "1 to 10 pages " "11-50" "11 to 50 pages " "51-100" "51 to 100 pages " "Over 100" "101 pages or more " @@@ "Reasons For Saving and Printing Documents" "Reasons For Saving and Printing Documents" "Why do you save/print WWW documents that you view? \n(Please check all that apply.)" "checkbox" "Archive Docs" "Archive documents" "Fear Doc Will Dissappear" "Fear that document will no longer be available" "Use Offline" "Use the information in the document offline" "Read Offline" "Read document offline rather than online" "Use Content" "Want to use content in other document(s)" "Mimic Format" "Want to mimic format/HTML in other document(s)" "Distribute to Others Offline" "Distribute to others not online" "Other" "Other" @@@ "Use of Communication Technologies" "Use of Communication Technologies" "Which of the following technologies do you use to communicate with others?" "checkbox" "Fax" "Fax" "Email" "Email" "Phone" "Phone (wired)" "Wireless Phone" "Phone (wireless)" "Pagers" "Pagers " "Voice Mail" "Voice mail" "Snail Mail" "Surface mail" "Next Day Mail" "Next day/Overnight mail" "Other" "Other" "Don't Know" "Don't know" @@@ "Monitor Color Support" "Monitor Color Support" "What type of monitor is in front of you?" "radio" "Don't Know" "Do not know" "Monochrome" "Monochrome (e.g., black and white)" "8 bit Color" "Color - 8 bit " "16 bit Color" "Color - 16 bit " "24 bit Color" "Color - 24 bit " "Color" "Color - but am unsure of bit depth " "Other" "Other " @@@ "Monitor Resolution" "Monitor Resolution" "What is the resolution of monitor in front of you?" "radio" "640x480" "640x480" "800x600" "800x600" "1024x768" "1024x768" "1152x900" "1152x900" "1280x1024" "1280x1024" "Other" "Other" "Don't Know" "Don't Know" @@@ "Problems Using Favorites/Bookmarks" "Problems Using Favorites/Bookmarks" "What problems do you have using your favorites/bookmarks facility? \n(Please check all that apply.)" "checkbox" "Quick Storage" "There is no way to quickly store a new page in the place I want it " "Changed Content" "I can not tell when the content of a stored page has changed " "See All" "I can not see all the stored pages at once " "Organize" "There is no good way to organize the pages " "Complicated" " Favorites/Bookmarks are too difficult to use " "Other" "Other problems " "No Problem" "I have no trouble using Favorites/Bookmarks " "Dont Use" "I don't use Favorites/Bookmarks" @@@ "Favorites/Bookmarks Usage Patterns" "Favorites/Bookmarks Usage Patterns" "Please indicate which of the following Favorite/Bookmark activities you perform. \n(Please check all that apply.)" "checkbox" "Create New Entry" "Create a new entry" "Manually Re-arrange" "Manually re-arrange entries" "Create Folders" "Create folders of related items" "Create Subfolders" "Create sub folders within folders (hierarchy)" "Change Title" "Change an entry's title" "Annotate" "Annotate an entry" "Delete Entry" "Delete an entry" "Dont Use" "I don't use Favorites/Bookmarks" "Other" "Other problems" @@@ "Intranet Use" "Intranet Use" "Is your company/organization currently utilizing Intranets (private networks \nbased on Internet standards and technology)?" "radio" "Yes" "Yes" "No" "No" "Don't Know" "Don't know" "Not Appl" "Not applicable" @@@ "Image Loading" "Image Loading" "How often do you browse with images/pictures turned off (image loading/show pictures option)" "radio" "Under 25" "Under 25% of the time" "26-50" "Between 26% and 50% of the time" "51-75" "Between 51 and 75% of the time" "Over 75" "Over 75% of the time" @@@ "bogus" "bogus" "Web Usage The Web is a versatile tool. \nPlease indicate how often you have the Web for each of the \nfollowing categories during the past 12 months. \n" "banner" @@@ "Shopping" "Shopping" "to go shopping?" "popup" "Not Answered" "Several times per day " "Once per day" "Several times per week " "Once per week " "Several times per month " "Once per month " "A few times " "Don't know " "Never " @@@ "Newsgroups" "Newsgroups" "to access newsgroups information?" "popup" "Not Answered" "Several times per day " "Once per day" "Several times per week " "Once per week " "Several times per month " "Once per month " "A few times " "Don't know " "Never " @@@ "Electronic News"; "Electronic News"; "to access online newspapers?" "popup" "Not Answered" "Several times per day " "Once per day" "Several times per week " "Once per week " "Several times per month " "Once per month " "A few times " "Don't know " "Never " @@@ "Product Information" "Product Information" "to access information about commercial products/services?" "popup" "Not Answered" "Several times per day " "Once per day" "Several times per week " "Once per week " "Several times per month " "Once per month " "A few times " "Don't know " "Never " @@@ "Instead of Watching TV" "Instead of Watching TV" "instead of watching TV?" "popup" "Not Answered" "Several times per day " "Once per day" "Several times per week " "Once per week " "Several times per month " "Once per month " "A few times " "Don't know " "Never " @@@ "Reference Material" "Reference Material" "to access reference materials?" "popup" "Not Answered" "Several times per day " "Once per day" "Several times per week " "Once per week " "Several times per month " "Once per month " "A few times " "Don't know " "Never " @@@ "Research Material" "Research Material" "to access research reports & projects?" "popup" "Not Answered" "Several times per day " "Once per day" "Several times per week " "Once per week " "Several times per month " "Once per month " "A few times " "Don't know " "Never " @@@ "Financial Material" "Financial Material" "to access financial information" "popup" "Not Answered" "Several times per day " "Once per day" "Several times per week " "Once per week " "Several times per month " "Once per month " "A few times " "Don't know " "Never " @@@