Submitting an article


The Journal of the Learning Sciences provides a multidisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of research on education and learning. Emphasis is placed on important ideas that can change our understanding of learning as well as the practice of education. Articles will evolve from disciplines such as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, cognitive and educational psychology, cognitive anthropology, education, and educational technology.

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically and on paper. Submit three manuscript copies to Dr. Janet L. Kolodner, The Journal of the Learning Sciences, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, 801 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332-0280. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in MS Word format to All copies should be clear, readable, and on paper of good quality. A dot matrix or unusual typeface is acceptable only if it is clear and legible. Authors should keep a copy of their manuscript to guard against loss. Prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). A synopsis of the conventions in this manual is available by writing to the American Psychological Society Oberver. Any manuscript not in this style will automatically be returned to the author. Type all components of the manuscript double-spaced, including title page, abstract, text, quotes, acknoledgements, references, appendixes, tables, figure captions, and footnotes. The title page of the manuscript should include the title of the manuscript, authors' names, affiliations, and complete addresses, including the telephone number of the author to whom editorial correspondence is to be addressed. The second page should consist of a 100-to 200-word abstract. References, like the rest of the manuscript, should be double-spaced and in the form determined by the APA. Tables and figures should also conform to APA guidelines. References to all tables and figures should be explicit in text, and notes as to their approximate placement should be made in the manuscript. All figures must be camera-ready. Send correspondence for the Books & Ideas section to Michael Eisenberg ( Send correspondence proposing special issues to Sasha L. Barab (


Avoid or define technical words specific to a particular discipline. Avoid acronyms and terminology not consistent with style guidelines of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed).


Manuscripts are reviewed by peers with special competence in the area represented by the manuscript. Articles and reviews must be judged to be of substantial importance to the broad, multidisciplinary readership of The Journal of the Learning Sciences as well as meet a high level of scientific acceptability.


Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners to reprint or adapt a table or figure or to reprint a quotation of 500 words or more. Authors should write to original author(s) and publisher to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages to use the material in the article and in future editions. Provide copies of all permissions and credit lines obtained at the time of manuscript submission.


Only original manuscripts written in English are considered. In a cover letter, authors should state that the finding reported in the manuscript have not been published previously and that the manuscript is not being simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Authors should also state that they have complied with American Psychology Association ethical standards in the treatment of their samples. Upon acceptance, the authors are required to sign a publication agreement transferring the copyright from the author to the publisher. Accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of the journal. A statement of Editorial Policy will appear in Volume 1, Number 1.

Production Notes

After a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author is asked to provide a computer disk containing the manuscript file. Files are copyedited and typeset into page proofs. Authors read proofs to correct errors and answer editors' queries.