Mission ORiented Architectural Legacy Evolution

Summer 1996 plan

Gregory Abowd


This document is intended to outline the summer 1996 plans for the MORALE project. We will discuss the objectives of the summer project, some requirements on the project and then present a series of project ideas.

We should quickly (by end of June), determine the project topic so that we can begin working on the case study. We are aiming to have a documented case study by October 1.


The purpose for this project is to help us focus on how our individual work efforts can be integrated and to help us figure out what tools we have now and could most easily develop to include in the Morale suite.

Our focus should be on a documented relatively small case study that shows how we would maintain an evolutionary design journal. We'll want to document existing requirements and changing requirements in whatever form/structure that Colin desires/dictates. We'll want to produce an architectural description of the existing system and perform a SAAM analysis to provide an impact analysis of the new requirements on that architecture. Finally, we will want to use some reverse engineering techniques to increase our confidence of the correspondence between architecture and artifact.

Project requirements

The project needs to be one that we can become familiar with relatively quickly. For those reasons, it should be a relatively small project. One suggestion for increasing familiarity is to make the system one that at least one of the MORALE team has worked with closely.

We need to have a system which is large enough to require some architectural representation to portray the big picture that is not entirely clear from looking at the source code itself.

I believe that the visualization/understanding tools we have only work on a limited number of languages, so we should take that into consideration.

Project suggestions

The following list of projects contains pointers to any further project info, a brief description of the project and a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of this as a summer case study for MORALE.

Classroom 2000

Classroom 2000 is a project within the Future Computing Environments Group. It has been running since September 1995. One of the main artifacts of the project is an experimental note-taking and review system. The existing system is divided into three distinct parts. The first part is a pre-production facility that allows for an instructor to produce electronic slides and consists of a simple Perl script that bursts a PostScript file into a series of GIF/BMP images. The second part is the in-class note-taking environment that runs on a variety of pen-based computers running Visual Basic. The system allows students and teacher to annotate the prepared slides and logs various user activities and saves annotated slides. The live portion of the class also consists of digital audio recording and currently analogue video capture. The third part of the system is the post-production/review facilities. The note-taking logs and annotated slides are processed to produce a frame-based series of Web pages for review purposes. Each lecture is available with streaming, indexed audio links attached to each annotated slide. In addition, students are able to search across a set of lectures for slides that pertain to certain keywords (as determined by an automatically generated keyword index based on the ASCII text of the prepared material).

There are a number of changes to the Classroom 2000 system that have been suggested and will be implemented. Some of those are to convert over to a Java-based note-taking environment so that the capture and review systems can be identical. This will allow for updating of the notes after a class. We also want to provide support for both pen-based and keyboard editing of notes. We want to provide a means to share notes during a lecture (students can plug into the instructors notes or into each others notes under their control). We want to improve the searching capabilities to include searches of the students annotations or the digital audio. We want to support cross-platform streaming, indexed audio using commercially available services such as RealAudio. We want to provide support for streaming indexed video services that are becoming commercially available within the next year.

Some of the changes to Classroom 2000 are because of enhanced capabilities of the environment. A special purpose classroom is being constructed that will provide Ethernet capability to each student seat. The room will also have enhanced audio and video capture capabilities and presentation capabilities.


This is a good-sized system with a history of use and a clear evolutionary path. Abowd has already conducted a somewhat extensive SAAM evaluation of the initial system that would serve as a good starting point.

The problem of ubiquitous capture to support review is an important one for future computing environments. It is not that much of a stretch to imagine building a similar system to support collaborative design. How to take an existing application and make it "capture/review"-enabled would be a good contribution that could be sold to DARPA on the grounds that it will apply to a lot of DoD software development.


Don't know what the reverse engineering people would be able to do with this system. Various parts are in Perl and Visual Basic and the intention is to move most of it to Java using an SQL-like database for persistent storage of notes.

Calendar/meeting scheduler

There are a number of calendar projects being developed on campus. There is the DISCS project in the Real World Lab. This project is building a complete Web-based calendar system for the campus (sponsored by OIT) using Oracle as a back-end persistent storage mechanism with interesting group viewing functions. There is another OIT-sponsored calendar project, Web Cal that integrates the Sun Calendar Manager with a Web version to browse and edit, good for a single user's meetings. Finally, there is a two-part project (Part 1 and Part 2) on a Java-based calendar manager that integrates with the the Xplan calendar system on unix. This last project was done as part of Abowd's 3302 Introduction to Software Engineering class. Part 2 further integrates the calendar with a Java contact manager.

There are plenty of avenues of evolution for all of these systems. One major one is to integrate the Web-based solutions with a PDA solution. The basic idea is to be able to use any of a number of calendar system interfaces all operating on the same individual and group calendar information, leading to a more ubiquitous calendar service. The single-user calendar services can be expanded to provide valuable group services, as suggested by the DISCS project and the Java calendar, neither of which is fully functional.


Colin has a lot of experience with this domain, though it is not clear that the scenario modeling for the new requirements listed above have yet been considered. Abowd has interest in this if it moves to integrating mobile platforms.

Web Cal is not all that complicated and appears to be the only really functional and used system, though DISCS is ready for deployment.

We could leverage off of the RWL class this summer and the obvious interest of OIT in this domain.


Lots of CGI magic in DISCS and Web Cal projects. Not clear how we would analyze these from reverse engineering perspective. Variety of COTS and hardware options makes the problem very realistic, but is there too much variety?

Java Desktop

Carrying on from the calendar projects, the Future Computing Environments group has a project that consists of building a number of independent personal productivity tools in Java and then building a mechanism to present all of these tools in an environment that replaces the traditional stationary desktop with a more functional active browser interface. The new interface would automatically suggest integrating strategies to the user, so that a person listed in a meeting scheduler could be automatically linked to a record of that person in a contact manager. And this integration is done without having to program the interaction in the individual applets beforehand.

There are currently a number of productivity tools (to-do list, contact manager, calendar tool, financial planner, mail tool. A few of them have been integrated, either through explicit re-programming, or by an experimental integration framework. The evolution of this system is to bring all tools into a common browser desktop. It is also planned to integrate the Web tools with some mobile tools, either through PDA browsers running Java or through other data integration mechanisms.


Abowd has interest and has an architectural description (fairly informal) of an integration mechanism. Two graduate students have been in close contact with this project for a few months and one will be very closely involved up until the end of September. This project has a close tie with the calendar project described earlier and can in fact be viewed as a requirement that caused an evolution of the calendar tool.

This is all done in one language, though there is discussion about integrating non-Java tools in the future.


Don't know the level of interest of rest of MORALE on this topic. Not a very robust system at this point.


A ubiquitous messaging service that combines messages from all input modalities (e-mail, voice, snail-mail, fax, newsgroups, etc.) and provides them along all output modalities depending on user location and preferences. This project is part of the Future Computing Environments efforts and has been going on since January 1996. The current system has a fairly well-defined architectural scheme and has been demonstrated to provide e-mail input to pager/voice/Web output.

The evolution of this project is to experiment with more input modalities and to extend the prioritization mechanisms and user-awareness portions of the system.


Most of the system has been done in C with reasonable configuration management and architectural design. There are very clear evolutionary paths, many of which are directly affected by previous architectural choices. This project will most likely be the topic of one or more senior design projects starting as early as this summer. Deals with a variety of hardware options and works mainly because of the architectural solution holding various pieces together through standardized interfaces.


Not a very robust system.


This project has a lot of history with Spencer. It is a system to provide conversion between any of a number of citation formats. The system has already been through several iterations of design and implementation, having first been developed in C++ and currently being transitioned over to Java.


Spencer and Kurt have a lot of familiarity with this system. One of Spencer's students did a SAAM-like evaluation of the system under some expected changes. Gregory and Kurt attempted a reflexion model evaluation of the system without much luck. The C++ system might work well with Dean's visualization system and the Java version wouldn't be that much of a stretch.


Not a terribly complicated system, but that might not matter at this point.


Cyberguide is a mobile, context-aware tour guide, used for both indoor and outdoor location-dependent guidance. The whole project has evolved as each quarter of the RWL since Summer 1995 has taken the existing system and built further functionality or ported to a different platform. There are now several versions of the system with different communications and positioning systems. The high-level architecture of the system was intended to provide maximal separation between positioning, map services, information services and communication. It has been built on Newtons and palmtop PCs and has used indoor cellular IR and outdoor GPS for positioning.

The currently planned evolution of the system is to provide a complete wireless IR communications system for indoor use. This will provide some two-way services (finding out where other Cyberguide tourists are located, fetching information on a project that is not stored locally, receiving broadcast announcements) that were previously unavailable.


System has undergone a lot of evolution already. Fairly robust system that will be worked on by at least two RWL students this summer. One graduate student will be working on a radically different model of Cyberguide that is more like an augmented reality tour guide starting in the Fall.


Has always had an architectural vision, but that has not really been documented all that well. System has undergone a lot of evolution already.

System is done in Newton Toolkit language (NewtonScript) and in Delphi (Object Pascal). Indoor positioning is provided by a C program running on an alternate processor. The communications system will be split between the mobile unit and the CoC network. The CoC network side will be done in C.


CyberFridge is the first in a series of projects by the FCE and BTC groups concentrating on future environments and applications for the home. CyberFridge aims to support a lot of the messaging services of a domestic refrigerator door, only supercharged to sit on the Internet. The project is also aiming to use vision to be able to support capture functionality and history services (determine how much milk is in the refrigerator based on who has been using it).

The current system provides a general message board and photo gallery system that uses the metaphor of the fridge door as a Internet-addressable Web browser. The first evolution of the system is to integrate the message board so that they work together in a reasonable manner. The next stages of the project will integrate vision services (face recognition) to be able to provide more personalized services. The historical services are more long-term plans.


Interest from FCE and BTC on project (potential corporate sponsorship). Clear evolutionary path.


Might be more revolutionary than evolutionary, though it is quite possible to view the current project as a message board and put it on an office door instead of a refrigerator. Each piece uses many different languages (Perl, Java, JavaScript). There was not enough concentration on an overall architectural scheme for all of CyberFridge, hence the two pieces do not integrate well as of now.


We have lots of projects to choose from. I don't think we should spend too much time on the decision, but we might want to think a bit more clearly about the requirements for a project from the reverse engineering perspective.
Gregory Abowd <>
Last modified: Wed Jun 19 00:36:40 EDT 1996