MORALE Tool Description Template


The name of the tool


What role the tool plays in the MORALE framework and, consequently, how it can help software developers


A paragraph describing how the tool might be used be a potential customer to help solve a problem


Is the tool released? If so, what version? What are the plans for the next release?

Operating System Dependencies:

What operating systems has the tool been tested on?

Platform Dependencies:

What architectures has the tool been tested on?

COTS Dependencies:

What commercial tools are required in order to use the system?

Other Dependencies:

Any other dependencies or constraints such as non-commercial tools (TCL), language versions (ANSI C), etc.


Pointers to technical documentation

Point of Contact:

Who to contact to obtain a copy. Note that we want to make sure to register any customer contacts or deliveries so we can report them to DARPA.