MORALE Tool Description:



Architectural Visual Editor (VisEd)



VisEd currently consists of 2 major parts: Here is a screen shot of the VisEd system after importing an Acme description and expanding a component.



acme2gml alpha version 0.2 is completed.  VisEd can display the ACME descriptions, but changes are not currently translated back to the ACME text description. This interactive editing capability is dependent on ACMEServer, another MORALE application currently under development.

Operating System Dependencies:

The acme2gml translator is written in ANSI C++, and should be compilable on any platform.  A makefile is available for UNIX.  For information on platforms for ACMELib see the CMU ACME homepage.

Graphlet  is available from the University of Passat as a binary distribution for both UNIX and Windows 95/NT.

Platform Dependencies:

Graphlet requires TCL/TK 8.0

COTS Dependencies:

Other Dependencies:

This application is normally run under the MORALE Launcher to ensure proper startup of support programs.


Under development, awaiting editor functionality completion.

Point of Contact:

Bob Waters
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280