MORALE Tool Description


SAAM Capture Tool (SAAMPad)

Provides SAAM with automated capture, generates summaries and allows searching for detailed session information.


The purpose of SAAMPad is to provide capture support for the Software Architecture Analysis Method (SAAM). SAAM uses scenario evaluations to extract certain non-functional properties from a system. SAAMPad allows the creation of architectural descriptions required by SAAM, which can be evaluated. These evaluations are then captured. An evaluation generally consists of several scenarios, which can lead to changes in the architectural description. During the evaluations, audio and whiteboard notations are recorded to provide information during the evaluation and at a later point in time.


An initial version of SAAMPad is complete.


Detailed Description:

SAAM is a very useful way of extracting non-functional system properties. However, it relies on its users to capture a lot of information. This has consequences for the way SAAM sessions are performed and limits both the amount and level of detail of the information that can possibly be extracted. Users also need to create session summaries after a scenario has been performed. Together with the architectural diagrams, the summaries can be used to provide information about the scenarios at a later point in time. They should both provide an overview of the session and provide information at a level that is detailed enough when needed. However, this is often a hard task to do, because it is not known what information of the session will be needed at a certain point in time. SAAMPad provides a way to automatically capture SAAM sessions. This highly relieves the users and allows the scenarios to be more detailed. The capture tool also generates session summaries, which can point to potential problem areas. Components can show a timeline that indicates when the where created, focussed upon and altered. This information can be used by the user to search for a particular part in the scenario that is of interest.

Usage is divided in several phases:

The system is intended to use the standard 'boxes and arrows' diagrams commonly used for architectural descriptions. New ways of communicating architectural descriptions can be added to the program later fairly easy. The diagrams are drawn freehand by the user and then recognized by the system as components and connectors, after which an auto-layout feature is used.

The capturing of these evaluations bring a number of advantages:

The following features are currently available:

Future features

Operating System Dependencies:

JAVA 1.1 enabled browser.

Platform Dependencies:


COTS Dependencies:

JAVAC 1.1, RealAudio recorder & player.

Other Dependencies:

A server with the JAVA-VM 1.1

Point of Contact:

Pascal Schuchhard []
Gregory Abowd []
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280