Related People:

Enylton Machado Coelho

Blair MacIntyre

Associated Projects

Accounting for Uncertainty in Mobile AR Systems

paperpic missing   Augmenting Real Environments
Augmented Reality technology has promised to change the way information is conveyed, creating an impact in activities as diverse as medical procedures, maintenance and entertainment. So far, this promise has failed to materialize. We claim that such failure is caused by the pursuit of perfection instead of usefulness, and propose the creation of systems that function in imperfect environments. In this paper we present the reasons for advocating focusing on usefulness, briefly revisit previous work [3] that laid the first step in this direction, and identify the issues that still need to be addressed. An specific example regarding the application of AR to the industry is used to illustrate these points.

Full Reference:

Enylton Machado Coelho, Blair MacIntyre "Augmenting Real Environments" In The Third Young Inverstigator's Forum in Virtual Reality (YVR 2005), February 24-25, 2005, Pohang, Korea.

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