More about different CQ application domains

Bibliographic Information Server
This service monitors bibliographic data for users.  Whenever your favorite author publishes a new paper, this service will notify you. This service also offers extensive tools for managing your personal collection of bibliographic information.

Current Weather Watch
This service allows users to install continual queries for monitoring current weather condition changes in a selected region.  For example, you can have a weather report delivered every day at noon for your favorite mountain retreat.  Soon, you should be able to monitor the weather forecast of a selected region to plan your vacation.

Structured Data Source Updates Monitor
This service monitors arbitrary updates of data stored in stuctured data sources, managed by a DBMS such as Oracle, MS/SQL server, Informix. The sample data includes some ALP data extracted from one of the ALPINE sites. This service has incorporated the structured data sources with weather watch sources to allow users to continual queries that use the weather watch as the content-based trigger condition condition. An example could be "Report to me all the alternative routes whenever the weather condition between Fort Stewart and the Port of Savannath is severe, such as tempature is below 32F, wind speed is greater than 15 knots or pressure changes more than 20 hPa in the past 20 minutes.

Stock Watch
This service allows users to monitor their investment in stocks, mutual funds, or bonds. You may specify which update thresholds that you would like to monitor, and the CQ system will report to you the updates whenever your specified update threshold is met. For instance, one can monitor the stock price of IBM and be notified whenever the stock price of IBM drops 5% in a day.

Weather Forecast Monitor
This service is still underdevelopment. Its goal is to monitor weather forecasts and keep you up-to-date on the weather forecast in a selected region or location.

Sale Watch
This service will allow you to keep an ear to the ground for sales that periodically come up, for example, in airfares, book prices, car sales, etc.