User Interface of VISTA Cluster Rendering System
The goal of interactive operations is to explore and visualize the dataset in different projection planes that separate the overlapped clusters. The set of interactive operations supported in VISTA include alpha parameter adjustment, random rendering, subset selection, zooming, focus changing, axis rotation, cluster marking/unmarking, and labeling/unlabeling. Continuous interactive operations, mainly alpha parameter adjustment, zooming (and axis rotation), can create dynamic visualization. Our experience shows that the user can often get much more information from dynamic visualizations than static ones.

1. Operation Modes at the right upper corner
Operation modes are used to clarify the semantics of different operations and to make all of the operations compatible in the cluster rendering system. "Change alpha", "move axis", "select subset" and "mark map" specify the four kinds of operation modes. Before adjusting the alpha values, the mode should be shifted to "change alpha". Before moving axes, make sure to set the mode to "move axis". In the mode of "Select subset", the user can do a couple of operations: choosing a subset for drill-down showing, or for marking a cluster. The "mark map" mode is used for marking the "cluster map", which is used for ClusterMap labeling algorithm. Other operations can be done in any modes, such as "unmarking a cluster", "loading", "labeling" and so on.

2. Basic operations

3. Sliders 4. Buttons 5. Demand-on-detail
Move the mouse pointer to any data point in visualization. The corresponding data record (the row in the original data file) will be shown at the bottom of the visualization.