Infosphere Projects


Jonathan Walpole, Calton Pu
Jebi logo Jebi -- Java Events Based Infopipe (Jebi) is part of a ongoing effort in realizing infosphere with Java distributed event system. We have already implemented our Java distributed event system, termed JECho. JECho provides higher performance as compared to currently available systems, such as Sun's JavaSpaces (however, JavaSpaces has higher level features such as transation support). An interesting feature of JECho is its eager handle, which enables the distribution of computation for event handling and provides a mechanism for event subscribers to tailor the event sttreams flowing toward them.

Multimedia Systems

Jonathan Walpole, Calton Pu
The Infopipe Stub Generator ISG/IRT+JIM -- Infopipe Stub Generator (ISG) is one of the first components of Infosphere software that demonstrates the usefulness of the Infopipe abstraction. Using ISG, developers may concentrate on the transformation of information, rather than spending time on the tedious and error-prone tasks of parsing and generating fast-changing XML streams.

Middleware and Real-time Systems

Karsten Schwan, Greg Eisenhauer, Beth Plale
ECho -- ECho is an event delivery middleware system developed at Georgia Tech. ECho is distinguished by efficient and flexible support for event typing and the ability to assign event handlers to specific threads for transparent support of both inter- and intra-process communication. ECho also introduces the concept of a "derived event channel." ECho uses dynamic code generation to implement derived event channels and exploit their ability to move user-level processing to remote locations. ECho is available for Solaris, Windows NT, Linux, Irix, AIX and Java (as JECho).
JECho -- JECho is a Java-based communication infrastructure for collaborative high performance applications. It is the Java version of ECho (described above).
Connection Manager -- The Connection Manager (CM) is a messaging middleware layer developed at Georgia Tech. CM is designed to help manage the complexity of systems with multiple communication links between heterogenous machines. It provides an infrastructure to assist in building networks of entities communicating application-specific data.

Internet Systems

Ling Liu, Calton Pu
CQ logo Continual Queries (CQ) -- delivering fresh information to the right users at the right time.
The primary objectives of the Continual Queries project: to investigate monitoring information changes (insertion, deletion, and update) in large-scale distributed information; and to design an intelligent and adaptive architecture for coordinating different levels of system support for delivering data of required quality, reliability, and up-to-dateness. We are building on currently ongoing research to help handle heterogeneity and query responsiveness challenges. Concretely, we have three principle subgoals: (1) to develop an integrated use of data delivery techniques that allow information consumers to subscribe to their preferred data delivery services, and enable information producers to publish and deliver their source data in a timely fashion; (2) to design an architecture for efficient and effective information delivery and updates monitoring; (3) to build a prototype that implements and tests the Continual Queries architecture and the set of techniques in the context of logistics applications.

WebCQ logo WebCQ -- WebCQ is aiming at offering a generic solution to arbitrary static Web page monitoring. The types of objects in a web page can be any change, image, link, selected phrase, key word, table, list, paragraph, and arbitrary text objects.

Distributed Secure Systems

Mustaque Ahamad

Programming Languages

Yannis Smaragdakis

Ubiquitous Computing

Gregory Abowd
The Context Toolkit -- The Context Toolkit aims at facilitating the development and deployment of context-aware applications. By context, we mean environmental information that is part of an application's operating environment and that can be sensed by the application.
The Context Toolkit consists of context widgets and a distributed infrastructure that hosts the widgets. Context widgets are software components that provide applications with access to context information while hiding the details of context sensing.
In the same way GUI widgets insulate applications from some presentation concerns, context widgets insulate applications from context acquisition concerns.
The Aware Home Research Initiative -- The Aware Home Research Initiative (AHRI) is a focused research program, whose goal is to develop the requisite technologies to create a home environment that can both perceive and assist its occupants. The scope of the projects carried out within this program range from fundamental technical development to cognitive and ethnological studies that assess the most appropriate and compelling technological strategies.

This page is maintained by Galen Swint.