
Weekly Reading

Chenyu is presenting...
"Coherence Ordering for Ring-based Chip Multiprocessors "
Michael R. Marty and Mark D. Hill
MICRO 2006
PDF copy (accessible within GT network only)

Ring interconnects may be an attractive solution for future chip multiprocessors because they can enable faster links than buses and simpler switches than arbitrary switched interconnects. Moreover, a ring naturally orders requests sufficiently to enable directory-less coherence, but not in the total order that buses provide for snooping coherence. Existing cache coherence protocols for rings either establish a (total) ordering point (ORDERING-POINT) or use a greedy order (GREEDY-ORDER) with unbounded retries. In this work, we propose a new class of ring protocols, RINGORDER, in which requests complete in ring position order to achieve two benefits. First, RING-ORDER improves performance relative to ORDERING-POINT by activating requests immediately instead of waiting for them to reach the ordering point. Second, it improves performance stability relative to GREEDY-ORDER by not using retries. Thus, the new RING-ORDER combines the best of ORDERING-POINT (good performance stability) with the best of GREEDY-ORDER (good average performance).