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The Object Transport Layer

The Object Transport Layer (OTL) is a central component of the system architecture. It is designed to support the operation and inter-operation of a variety of programming models, including: traditional CORBA-style object systems, systems with more complex distributed or fragmented objects, and explicitly reactive object systems like the Event Reaction Architecture. A key feature of the design is the use of object and invocation attribute lists.

Attributes are name-value pairs that control system characteristics and provide a uniform mechanism through which the behavior of all layers of the COBS architecture can be configured to achieve the required performance. Among the system characteristics which can be controlled by applications are:

Essentially, attributes provide a top-to-bottom configuration mechanism that can be used at all layers of COBS. Attributes are associated with every object operation and so can affect the behavior of any system component involved in performing that operation. Each system component processes the attributes that it understands and the remaining attributes are passed on. When object operations cross machine boundaries, the operation attributes are passed on as well so that the receiving systems behavior can be customized. The range of attributes is not limited or predefined. Because attributes can be examined as well as specified at the application level, they can be used by applications for customizing their own functional behavior as well as for configuring the underlying system.

The OTL is fully functional and supports the configuration of several styles of object invocation and object name specification mechanisms. The configurability of the OTL will be extended as warranted by applications under development.

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Greg Eisenhauer
Tue Oct 15 10:41:35 EDT 1996