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Next Steps

As the basic elements of COBS are in place, the next steps in the COBS project involved extending the range of configuration options, experimenting with combinations of configuration at different layers in the COBS system and continuing our work with sample applications. Among the planned projects are:

dynamic resource management -
The COBS configuration facility allows the application to make significant information available to the run-time system. We intend to explore mechanisms for using this information to make scheduling and resource management decisions for both computing and communication resources.

vertical configuration -
Application information can also be used to perform top-to-bottom configuration of the protocol stack in order to derive and provide quality of service requirements, select amongst available network interfaces, and enable security and compression techniques.

scientific applications -
Work continues on a variety of applications which hope to exploit the COBS system. Among these are scientific applications such as molecular dynamics [ES96b] and global climate modeling [KSS tex2html_wrap_inline175 96] which can benefit from improved perfomance. The use of COBS will also be explored in a variety of collaborative and interactive situations, including display processing and interactive steering for the scientific applications.

COTS applications -
Together with a commercial vendor we are exploring the application of COBS to a distributed work-flow management system. The utilization of COBS in this domain would enable the creation of seamlessly integrated and easily managed distributed systems and applications. We are also continuing work with IBM to develop event-based collaborative work environments.

DoD applications -
A joint Georgia Tech/Honeywell project also shows promise of improving programability and functionality through application-level configurability. This project seeks to facilitate efficient use of processing and communication resources through dynamic relocation of an applications functional components.

Greg Eisenhauer
Tue Oct 15 10:41:35 EDT 1996