Network Daemons Supporting Distributed Laboratories

The various software libraries available from the Georgia Tech Distributed Laboratories group require the support of network daemons in some circumstances. Generally these daemons serve as centralized repositories of information.

At the time of this writing, there are three daemons:

Each of these daemons run as a separate process. Instances of each of these daemons run on the host to serve the domain. External hosts are allowed three days of free use of these daemons. This service allows us to more easily give external demonstrations and gives external users an opportunity to try out our tools with minimal setup. For extended use of the Distributed Laboratories tools, you should run your own instances of the daemons.

If you build PBIO, DataExchange and OTL on external hosts they will automatically configure those libraries to look for the relevant daemons on the host where configure was run. If no daemon is found there they will fall back to using our daemons on and issue a warning message. To switch over to using your own daemons, simply start the appropriate processes on the configure host. The processes will automatically put themselves in the background. They also check to see that they are not run multiple times and are thus suitable to run at regular intervals from cron. See the configure script options in the appropriate package for information on setting the server host and service domain for each daemon. The built-in hostname for each daemon can be overridden at run-time by specifying one of the following environment variables: FORMAT_SERVER_HOST, GROUP_SERVER_HOST, ATOM_SERVER_HOST.

This page is maintained by
Greg Eisenhauer Last Modified Aug 17, 1998.