Some tips for implementing G-share prediction and update function. useful macros
#define SAT_INC(val, max)   ((val) == (max) ? (max) : (val) +1) 
#define SAT_DEC(val, max)   ((val) == (min) ? (min) : (val) -1)

#define N_BIT_MASK(N)  ((0x1ULL << N)) -1 

// prediction 

pht_index = (old_global_hist ^ pc_addr) & N_BIT_MASK(history_length); 

// update the history 
new_global_hist = ((old_global_hist) <<1 ) | (op->actually_taken); 

// update the counter after the branch is executed 

How to implement the Tomasulo's algorithm
Since this is a timing simulator, you do not really need to all the hardware in the Tomasulo's data structure. What you need to implement is enforcing a correct data dependence and make dependent instructions wait the correct amount of cycle.
Here is a suggestion.

/* map data structure */ 

class map_entry{
  uint64_t inst_id; 
  bool valid; 
  uint64_t rdy_cycle; 

map_entry reg_map[NUM_REG]; 

/* ID stage */ 
/* before insertig uops into the scheduler, we have to rename each register */ 
/* you have to rename source registers first before you do destination register */ 

/* rename each soure register */ 
for (ii = 0 ; ii < 2; ii++) {
    if (op->src[ii] >=0) { 
        op->newnames[ii] = reg_map[op->src[ii]].inst_id; 
        op->src_rdy_cycles[ii] = reg_map[op->src[ii]].rdy_cycle; 

if (op->dst >= 0)   {
      reg_map[op->dst].inst_id = op->inst_id; 
      reg_map[op->dst].valid = FALSE; 
      reg_map[op->dst].rdy_cycle =  -1; 

/* suggested data structures */ 
/* op structures */ 
/* you might want to add the following structures inside op structure */ 
bool done; 
int64_t src_rdy_cycles[2]; 
uint64_t src_newnames[2];
bool in_scheduler; 
uint64_t sched_cycle;
uint64_t done_cycle; 

/* at execution stage */ 
int latency = get_op_latency(op); 
op->done_cycle = cycle_count + latency; 
if (op->exec_done_cycle <= cycle_count) {
if (!op->mem_type) {
   op->done = TRUE; 
   if (op->dst >= 0)   broad_cast(op); 

void borad_cast(Op *op) {

/* set register map */ 
if(reg_map[op->dst].inst_id == op->inst_id) {
   reg_map[op->dst].rdy_cycle = op->done_cycle;   
   reg_map[op->dst].valid = TRUE; 

// traverse the scheduler and check all the source ids 
// if (source ids are the same as op's inst_id) 
then set op->src_rdy_cycles to the current rdy cycles; 


/* at retire stage */ 
go through rob structure from the top. 

while (retire_count < KNOB_ISSUE_WIDTH.Value()) {

     if (op->done) {
      // free rob
      // free op 
      else stop; 

How to implement a scheduler
Scheduler is similar to a reservation station. Instructions are waiting inside the scheduler while they are waiting for source operands. The by-pass network broadcasts the results into the scheduler. The processor rename instructions when it inserts instructions inside the scheduler. You can use "list" structure to implement a scheduler. Scheduler holds a pointer that points rob-entry. A simplest way of implementing a scheduler is travering a scheduler every cycle.
for example,

 while(issue_cout < KNOB_ISSUE_WIDTH.Value()) {
   OP *op = scheduler_list[ii++]; 
     if (srcs_rdy(op))  {

     // pop ops from the scheduler 
     // reduce the number of schedulers 
  else if (!KNOB_OOO_SCHEDULER.Value()) break; 

bool srcs_rdy(Op *op) {



ROB is a circulating queue. You can implement a rob data structure using a queue. You need to make sure when a ROB is full or not. If the ROB gets full, the front-end must be stalled. You need to have a feature of push, pop, peek and count the number of free rob entries.