School of computer science

Georgia Institute of Technology

CS6290HPCA Fall 2009

Programming assignment #3
Due: Tuesday, December 1, 6:00 pm
Hyesoon Kim, Instructor

This is an individual assignment. You can discuss this assignment with other classmates but you should do your assignment individually. Please follow the submission instructions. If you do not follow the submission file names, you will not receive the full credit. Please check the class homepage to see the latest update. Your code must run on killerbee[1-3,5] with g++4.1.

This assignment is composed of three parts: Part 1: Complete the memory system. Part 2: Add SMT feature, Part 3(extra credit): Simulation. (part 1 and part 2: 100 points)
Part 1: Complete the memory system

Step 1:
You need to fill the dcache_access function in this assignment. I-cache is still a perfect cache for this assignment

To activate your dcache structure, you must turn off KNOB_PERFECT_DCACHE.
e.g.) ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -perfect_dcache 0 -readtrace 1 -- /bin/ls
Note that KNOB_PERFECT_DCACHE should work even after you implement a data cache. Hence, when KNOB_PERFECT_DCACHE value is 1, regardless of data cache size, all the cache access should be cache hit.

The cache has a 64B block size, true LRU and write-through policy. D-cache access latency is set by KNOB_DCACHE_LATENCY. Note that, a load execution cycle is determined by the cache access time not the load operation latency itself. Hence, if there is a cache miss, the processor needs to wait KNOB_MEM_LATENCY cycles. We assume that the cache and the memory have enough read/write ports so all the memory requests can be handled simultaneously. You do not need to differentiate between store and load. Even store miss, the processor cannot retire the store instruction waits until the store miss is completed.

KNOB_DCACHE_SIZE, and KNOB_DCACHE_WAY set the cache configurations. Cache size should use a K-Byte unit

e.g) ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -perfect_dcache 0 -dcache_size 1 -dcache_way 4 -readtrace 1 -- /bin/ls
cache size = 1KB, 1024/4/64=4 sets

To provide hints for building a cache, a stand alone cache simulator, (inside lab3.tar.gz) is provided. You can design your own cache structure.
Step 2:
You need to implement a MSHR to handle memory latency correctly.
The size of MSHR is determined by KNOB_ROB_SIZE to simplify the problem. (In actual hardware, there will be fewer number of MSHR entries than ROB size.

Summary of how to handle memory instructions

relevant data structures:

Knobs related to this assignment

KNOB_DCACHE_SIZE: data cache size (kbytes) (default value: 512)
KNOB_DCACHE_WAY: N-way set associative data cache (default value: 4)
KNOB_DCACHE_LATENCY: cache latency when a cache hit (default value: 5)
KNOB_MEM_LATENCY: cache access cycle when a cache miss ( default value: 100)

You have to update dcache_hit_count, dcache_miss_count accordingly.

Part 2: Adding an SMT feature

In this assignment, you will extend your superscalar processor to support SMT.
We need multiple steps to support the SMT feature.
Adding SMT feature requires modifications in multiple places in the simulator.
Additional data structures must be added. addme3.txt file is provided inside lab3.tar.gz file. Knobs related to this assignment KNOB_MAX_THREAD_NUM: number of threads that can be executed together (default 1, max 4)
KNOB_TRACE_NAME2: set the input trace file name2
KNOB_TRACE_NAME3: set the input trace file name3
KNOB_TRACE_NAME4: set the input trace file name4

First, you need to make the simulator run correctly right after you add addme3.txt file. addme3.txt file changes get_op function and add thread_id into op_struct. You need to use new trace.cpp, sim_pin.cpp, simknob.h and userknob.h. lab3.tar.gz file contains these new files.

Because now the system handles multiple traces, before you add SMT feature, you need to make it sure that your simulator still runs one thread just like before and then you add features to support multi traces.

In a real architecture simulator, simulation ending condition should be more complicated. However, in this assignment, we do not change the ending conditions. Therefore, simulator reads from only remaining traces until all the traces are finished. max_inst_count is based on the sum of all threads.

Fetch Stage
Fetch needs to fetch from multiple threads.
get_op(Op *) function is now updated to fetch from multiple threads.
Deciding which thread to fetch is also a research topic. Several papers have been proposed to increase a processor's utilization. In this assignment, we just simply use a round-robin fashion. add_me3.txt file already has this feature.
op->thread_id shows which thread id of each op.

After fetch, the simulator accesses a branch predictor just like before.
In the real hardware, the hardware needs multiple PCs.
You need to have different GHR for each thread.
However, a 2-bit counter table is shared among all threads
Branch misprediction handling
When a thread is mispredicted, you must set br_stall[op->thread_id] = true.
When the mispredicted instruction is resolved in the execution stage, you should reset br_stall[op->thread_id]=false.
get_op function checks br_stall and if there is a misprediction, it doesn't fetch from the mispredicted thread.
please look at updated addme3.txt

Decode Stage
The simulator inserts ops into the ROB just like before.
When there is a space, the simulator also inserts an op into the scheduler.
We do not really need them but in theory, we need to have multiple of reg, so we need reg[MAX_THREAD][NUM_REG].

We need to have multiple RAT tables.
If you have used reg_map for programming assignment #2, you need to change reg_map[NUM_REG] to reg_man[MAX_THREAD][NUM_REG].
(Note that you could use KNOB_MAX_THREAD_NUM.Value() to allocate the exact amount of memory space at run-time or you can use MAX_THREAD to allocate the structure in advance. )
Now, whenever you access reg_map structure, you always use op->thread_id to index different reg_map structure.

No modification is needed. Just whenever the sources are ready, the simulator removes instructions from the scheduler and send them to execution stage.
This works for an out of order scheduler. In-order scheduler, even if the oldest op is not ready, if there are ready instructions from other threads, that should be scheduled. However, to simplify the assignment, we do not provide this feature.

At the execution stage, when the simulator broadcast the results, just make it sure that it sets dependent instructions only for the same thread id ops. If you have used inst_id for tag, you do not need to do any additional work since inst_id is unique including all the threads.

We assume that the memory addresses that we have is physical address. So you do not need to differentiate memory addresses among threads.

When instructions are retired, it has to be in-order within a thread. Across threads, the processor can retire instructions out of order. In programming assignment #2, when an op is not finished, we stop the retirement. In this assignment, even though an op is not finished, if there are finished ops from other threads, the processor should retire them.
Hence, if you have used data structures in prog2_hits.html, your code would be something like this.

for (int ii = 0; ii < KNOB_MAX_THREAD_NUM.Value(); ii++) { 
thread_retire_stop[ii] = false; 
retired_thread_here = 0; 

for ( traverse rob structure using whatever data structure that you have) { 
 if (op->done  && !thread_retire_stop[op->thread_id] ) {
  // free rob 
  // free op 
  if (retire_count ==KNOB_ISSUE_WIDTH.Value()) { 
 } else {
 if ((thread_retire_stop[op->thread_id]==false) {
  thread_retire_stop[op->thread_id] = true; 
  if (retired_thread_here > KNOB_MAX_THREAD_NUM.Value()) break; 


Stats Now, we need to collect stats per thread rather than all threads together. We collect separate retired_instruction_thread, bp_miss_count_thread, bp_corr_predict_thread, dcache_miss_count_thread, dcache_hit_count_thread counters. The simulator should update retired_instruction, bp_miss_count, bp_corr_predict, dcache_miss_count, dcache_hit_count with all threads also.
For example, for branch misprediction counts,
if (bp_corr) { 
   bp_corr_predict_thread[op->thread_id] = bp_corr_predict_thread[op->thread_id]+1; 

Submission Guide
Please do not turn in pzip files(trace files). Trace file sizes are so huge so they will cause a lot of problems.
(Tar the lab3 directory. Gzip the tarfile and submit lab3.tar.gz file at T-square)
Please make it sure the directory name is lab3! cd pin-2.6-27887-gcc.4.0.0-ia32_intel64-linux/source/tools

cd lab3
make clean
rm *.pzip
cd ..
tar cvf lab3.tar lab3
gzip lab3.tar

Part 3: (Extra 20 pts): Simulation
Due date for Part 3 is in class. Thursday, December 3
Include your simulation results in a report. You do not need to submit any traces.

The default configurations are