School of computer science

Georgia Institute of Technology

CS4803DGC, Spring 2010
Programming Assignment #7
Due: Friday, April 9, 12:00 pm (before the class)
Hyesoon Kim, Instructor

Although two students are sharing a hardware, this is an individual assignment. Each student needs to submit their code into the T-square.
The demo should be done individually.
In this assignment, you will learn how to read touch screen coordinates.

Assignment In this assignment you are building a simple touch screen coordinate reading program using Nintendo DS Assembly programming with NDS library.
You have to set up SPI and read SPI data correctly. Use Arm 7 to read and use Arm 9 to display the coordinates. Your screen needs to be updated every 1/60th seconds and the screen should says
"Touch screen reader x=%d y=%d your name"
Please see the lecture notes (lec_arm_prog2.pptx) file to get some initial starting code.

You demo your screen and then submit the code in the T-square.
The demo will be during the classroom.
C-code version: 35%
Assembly code version: 65%
Report: 5%
, Report should include commented code and simple descriptions. Any problems encountered and solutions

Useful links
ARM GCC Iline Assembler Cookbook
Memory system
SPI settings

You have to compile ARM7 and ARM9 codes.
This a very basic build script which assumes that arm9.c will run on arm9 and arm7.c will run on arm7 processors respectively. These 2 files should be in a folder called “source”. It produces touch_without_api.nds. The -O0 option is used when compiling the arm7 code to turn off optimization. This script also assumes that you installed devKitPro with the default path

arm-eabi-gcc -O0 -c source\arm7.c -o source\arm7.o -I C:\devKitPro\libnds\include -DARM7
arm-eabi-gcc -o source\arm7.elf source\arm7.o -LC:\devKitPro\libnds\lib -lnds7 -specs=ds_arm7.specs
arm-eabi-objcopy -O binary source\arm7.elf source\arm7.bin
arm-eabi-gcc -c source\arm9.c -o source\arm9.o -I C:\devKitPro\libnds\include -DARM9 
arm-eabi-gcc -o source\arm9.elf source\arm9.o -LC:\devKitPro\libnds\lib -lnds9 -specs=ds_arm9.specs
arm-eabi-objcopy -O binary source\arm9.elf source\arm9.bin

ndstool -7 source\arm7.bin -9 source\arm9.bin -c touch_without_api_in_asm.nds
rm source\arm7.o
rm source\arm7.elf
rm source\arm7.bin
rm source\main.o
rm source\arm9.elf
rm source\arm9.bin