vector[] points; vector[] b,j,f; //bspline, jarek, fourpoint int draggedPoint = None; int currentDepth; int shapeIndex = 0; String[] shapes = {"L.txt", "square.txt", "circle.txt"}; static int None = -1; static int SELECT_THRESHOLD = 7; boolean TOGGLE_C, TOGGLE_B, TOGGLE_J, TOGGLE_F; void setup() { size(400,400); points = new vector[3]; points[0] = new vector(100, 100, 0); points[1] = new vector(200, 300, 0); points[2] = new vector(300, 200, 0); TOGGLE_C = TOGGLE_B = TOGGLE_J = TOGGLE_F = true; currentDepth = 3; generatePoints(currentDepth); ellipseMode(CENTER_DIAMETER); } void generatePoints(int depth) { b = points; j = points; f = points; currentDepth = depth; // genPoints(depth); // The recursive call } void genPoints(int depth) { if(depth <= 0) return; vector[] bsplineOffset = new vector[b.length]; vector[] jarekOffset = new vector[j.length]; vector[] fourOffset = new vector[f.length]; // Generate the displacements // Though this generates the same values for the first iteration, // Thereafter, the control polygon is different, thus displacements are too int i2,i3; for(int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { i2 = (i+1)%b.length; // next i3 = (i+b.length-1)%b.length; // last bsplineOffset[i] = b[i].multiply(-0.25).add(b[i2].multiply(0.125)).add(b[i3].multiply(0.125)); jarekOffset[i] = j[i].multiply(-0.125).add(j[i2].multiply(0.0625)).add(j[i3].multiply(0.0625)); fourOffset[i] = f[i].multiply(0.25).add(f[i2].multiply(-0.125)).add(f[i3].multiply(-0.125)); } vector[] bnew = new vector[b.length*2]; vector[] jnew = new vector[b.length*2]; vector[] fnew = new vector[b.length*2]; //old verticies for(int i = 0; i < bnew.length; i+=2) { i2 = i/2; //old bnew[i] = b[i2].add(bsplineOffset[i2]); jnew[i] = j[i2].add(jarekOffset[i2]); fnew[i] = f[i2]; } //new edges for(int i = 1; i < bnew.length; i+=2) { i2 = (i-1)/2; // last i3 = (i2+1)%b.length; // next bnew[i] = (b[i2].add(b[i3])).multiply(0.5); jnew[i] = (j[i2].add(j[i3])).multiply(0.5).add(jarekOffset[i2].add(jarekOffset[i3]).multiply(-0.5)); fnew[i] = (f[i2].add(f[i3])).multiply(0.5).add(fourOffset[i2].add(fourOffset[i3]).multiply(0.5)); } b = bnew; j = jnew; f = fnew; genPoints(depth-1); } // Return the index of the closest edge to a point // This index will also be the index of the first vertex of this edge int getClosestEdgeIndex(vector point_) { int minIndex = -1, j; float minDist = Float.MAX_VALUE, distance, t; vector seg; for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { j = (i+1)%points.length; seg = points[j].subtract(points[i]); t =[i]))/; if(t < 0) { distance = point_.subtract(points[i]).length(); } else if(t > 1) { distance = point_.subtract(points[j]).length(); } else { //distance = (points[j].subtract(points[i]).cross(points[j].subtract(point_)).length()) // / (points[j].subtract(points[i]).length()); distance = point_.subtract(points[i].add(seg.multiply(t))).length(); } if(distance < minDist) { minDist = distance; minIndex = i; } } return minIndex; } // Add a new point at x,y // Use getClosetEdgeIndex to find where to put in sequence // Then expand the array and copy over verticies // Finally return the index of the new vertex int addPoint(float x, float y) { int preindex = getClosestEdgeIndex(new vector(x,y,0.0)); vector preVert, newVert, postVert; preVert = points[preindex]; postVert = points[(preindex+1)%points.length]; newVert = new vector(x,y,0.0); //copy first half vector[] newpoints = new vector[points.length+1]; for(int i = 0; i <= preindex; i++) { newpoints[i] = points[i]; } newpoints[preindex+1] = newVert; //copy second half for(int i = preindex+2; i < newpoints.length; i++) { newpoints[i] = points[i-1]; } points = newpoints; return preindex+1; //index of new vertex } int addEndPoint(int x, int y) { vector[] newPoints = new vector[points.length + 1]; for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { newPoints[i] = points[i]; } newPoints[points.length] = new vector(x, y, 0.0); points = newPoints; return points.length-1; } void mouseDragged() { if(draggedPoint != None) { points[draggedPoint].x += mouseX-pmouseX; points[draggedPoint].y += mouseY-pmouseY; generatePoints(currentDepth); } } void mousePressed() { if(draggedPoint == None) { float minDistance = SELECT_THRESHOLD; int minIndex = None; float temp; for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { temp = dist(points[i].x, points[i].y, mouseX, mouseY); if(temp < minDistance) { minDistance = temp; minIndex = i; } } draggedPoint = minIndex; } if(draggedPoint == None) { draggedPoint = addPoint(mouseX, mouseY); //draggedPoint = addEndPoint(mouseX, mouseY); generatePoints(currentDepth); } } void mouseMoved() { } void mouseReleased() { draggedPoint = None; } void loop() { background(255); //Control Polygon if(TOGGLE_C) { stroke(0); strokeWeight(2.0); drawLoop(points); strokeWeight(1.0); } //Bspline if(TOGGLE_B) { stroke(255, 0 ,0); drawLoop(b); } //Jarek if(TOGGLE_J) { stroke(0, 255, 0); drawLoop(j); } //Four points if(TOGGLE_F) { stroke(0, 0, 255); drawLoop(f); } //Control points fill(255, 128, 0); noStroke(); for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if(points[i] != null) { ellipse(points[i].x, points[i].y, 6.0, 6.0); } } } void drawLoop(vector[] points) { if(points.length == 0) return; beginShape(LINE_STRIP); for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if(points[i] != null) vertex(points[i].x, points[i].y); } vertex(points[0].x, points[0].y); endShape(); } void loadShape(String fileName) { String lines[] = loadStrings(fileName); int vertices = Integer.parseInt(lines[0]); vector[] newpoints = new vector[vertices]; println("there are " + lines.length + " lines and " + vertices + " vertices"); for (int i = 1; i <= vertices; i++) { String currentPoint[] = splitStrings(lines[i]); print(i + ". "); int x = Integer.parseInt(currentPoint[0]); int y = Integer.parseInt(currentPoint[1]); println(x + " " + y); newpoints[i - 1] = new vector(x, y, 0.0); } points = newpoints; generatePoints(currentDepth); } void saveShape(String fileName) { String[] lines = new String[points.length + 1]; lines[0] = Integer.toString(points.length); for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { lines[i + 1] = Integer.toString((int) points[i].x) + " " + Integer.toString((int) points[i].y); } saveStrings(fileName, lines); } void keyPressed() { if(key == '1') { generatePoints(1); } else if(key == '2') { generatePoints(2); } else if(key == '3') { generatePoints(3); } else if(key == '4') { generatePoints(4); } else if(key == '5') { generatePoints(5); } else if(key == ' ') { setup(); } else if(key == 'c') { TOGGLE_C = !TOGGLE_C; } else if(key == 'b') { TOGGLE_B = !TOGGLE_B; } else if(key == 'j') { TOGGLE_J = !TOGGLE_J; } else if(key == 'f') { TOGGLE_F = !TOGGLE_F; } else if(key == 'o') { loadShape(shapes[shapeIndex]); shapeIndex = (shapeIndex+1)%shapes.length; } else if(key == 's') { saveShape("output.txt"); } } //vector class by Mark Luffel //Written for another project class vector { float x,y,z; vector(float _x, float _y, float _z) { x = _x; y = _y; z = _z; } //Check if vectors are of the same length boolean equals(vector that) { return this.x == that.x && this.y == that.y && this.z == that.z; } //public String toString() { // return "<"+x+", "+y+", "+z+">"; //} //Make the vector length one vector normalize() { float len = length(); if(len != 0.0f) { len = 1/len; return new vector(x*len, y*len, z*len); } else { return new vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } } //Return the length of the vector float length() { return (float)Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z); } //Return the vector resized by a scalar vector multiply(float scalar) { return new vector(this.x*scalar, this.y*scalar, this.z*scalar); } //Return the sum of the two vectors vector add(vector that) { return new vector(this.x+that.x, this.y+that.y, this.z+that.z); } //Return the difference between the two vectors vector subtract(vector that) { return new vector(this.x-that.x, this.y-that.y, this.z-that.z); } //Return the dot product of two vectors float dot(vector that) { return this.x*that.x + this.y*that.y + this.z*that.z; } //Return the cross product of two vectors vector cross(vector that) { return new vector(this.y*that.z - this.z*that.y, this.z*that.x - this.x*that.z, this.x*that.y - this.y*that.x); } //Rotate the vector about a given vector, and angle vector rotate(vector axis, float angle) { float costheta = (float)Math.cos(angle); float cosminus = 1.0f-costheta; float sintheta = (float)Math.sin(angle); return new vector( (axis.x*axis.x*cosminus+costheta)*x + (axis.x*axis.y*cosminus-axis.z*sintheta)*y + (axis.x*axis.z*cosminus + axis.y*sintheta)*z, (axis.x*axis.y*cosminus+axis.z*sintheta)*x + (axis.y*axis.y*cosminus+costheta)*y + (axis.y*axis.z*cosminus - axis.x*sintheta)*z, (axis.x*axis.z*cosminus-axis.y*sintheta)*x + (axis.y*axis.z*cosminus+axis.x*sintheta)*y + (axis.z*axis.z*cosminus + costheta)*z ); } //Rotate this vector to the given one by the given amount vector rotateToBy(vector to, float amount) { float angle = (float)Math.acos((float); vector axis = this.cross(to); return this.rotate(axis, angle*amount); } }