CS4451: Project 2 - Triangle Mesh

Los Tres Amigos

Scott Le           Daniel Hernandez      Marlena Frank

Phase A: Due Oct. 7

NOTE: Please note that we created and ran this program on RedHat, and that each of the following specifications are included in our final project for this section of Project 2. In order to run this project, please download all of the files here. Then open a prompt in the directory to which you stored these files and type: "make run". If you have any questions or conerns, please email either Scott, Daniel, or Marlena.

Tri-Mesh Editor:

Assignment:Create a Tri-Mesh editor which allows drag-and-drop of edges and also allows triangles to be merged. Make sure the triangles are oriented properly.

Please click here for instructions on Using the Tri-Mesh Editor

Corner Table:

Assignment: From the triangle mesh created in Part I, enable the user to create a corner table from a created image.


Enable the user to click on a corner and a small ball appears on the "corner". Then allow the user to traverse the triangle mesh by using different triangle operations.

Extra Credit Implemented:

Enabled the user to remove the most recent triangle added by pressing the 'U' button.

Phase B: Due Oct. 14

NOTE: Please note that we created and ran this program on RedHat, and that each of the following specifications are included in our final project for this section of Project 2. In order to run this project, please download all of the files here. Then open a prompt in the directory to which you stored these files and type: "make run". If you have any questions or conerns, please email either Scott, Daniel, or Marlena.


Assignment: Implement the Laplace smoothing step in which each interior vertex is moved by a given average of its neighbors. Keep all border vertices fixed, and repeat the process many times. Tell how quickly it converges, and how the choice of the dividing step affects the rate of convergence.

Border Smoothing:

Assignment: Find out what happens whenever you smooth the border vertices. Try to use a four-point subdivision method to find the new location of each of the border vertices and demonstrate if it succeeds or fails.

Distance Field

Assignment: Implement a mesh traversal to assign each vertex a graph distance from the border, where border vertices have distance of 0. Display this distance as a change in color and of height and display the mesh in a 3D view.

Phase C: Due Oct. 26

NOTE: Please note that we created and ran this program on RedHat, and that each of the following specifications are included in our final project for this section of Project 2. In order to run this project, please download all of the files here. Then open a prompt in the directory to which you stored these files and type: "make run". If you have any questions or conerns, please email either Scott, Daniel, or Marlena.


Assignment: Make a copy of the mesh with negative z values & reversed orientation. Glue the two meshes together with correct opposite information.


Assignment: For each vertex, cache its vertex normal, and then use the normals to render the mesh in smooth (Gouraud) shading mode.


Assignment: Create a mesh with 50-100 vertices with one hole, and one finger-like structure. Give an animation demonstrating the different functions used.

Extra Credit Implemented:

Enabled the camera to adjust automatically whenever the user traverses the mesh so that the current triangle is always facing the viewer.