
Research Groups | Companies/Products | Examples/Collections | InfoVis toolkits | Data Sets | Other InfoVis Resources

Research Groups

Information Interfaces - Information Visualization and HCI @ Georgia Tech

LIVE - Laboratory for Information Visualization and Evaluation @ Virginia Tech

Imager Laboratory - Graphics, Visualization and HCI @ University of British Columbia

Visualization at WPI - Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Visualization at HCIL - Univ of Maryland HCI Lab Visualization Projects (past & current)

Pacific Northwest National Labs - Research program in Information Visualization

PARC UIR Information Visualization - Links to Xerox PARC InfoVis projects & info


The Map of the (Stock) Market - By Martin Wattenberg

The Secret Lives of Numbers - By Golan Levin

They Rule - By Joshua On

Copernica - By Martin Wattenberg

Mario Soup - By Ben Fry

Baby Name Wizard - By Martin Wattenberg

NIRVE project at NIST - Visualizing documents and search results

An Atlas of Cyberspaces - Collection of depictions of the web, internet and cyberspace

Gallery of Data Visualization - Best and worst of statistical graphics; much homage to Tufte

Visual Thesaurus - Interesting visualization of concepts in text

Information Aesthetics - Blog of Andrew Vande Moere, University of Sydney

Flowing Data - Good site with interesting data and visualizations

Vizworld - Graphics and visualization news/blog

Strange Maps - Interesting visualizations with maps

Nonlinear Magnification Homepage [link may be broken] - References and examples of fish-eye & focus + context views


Oculus - Business Visualization Software

Discovery - Visualization Software from ILOG

Spotfire - Dynamic Query-driven Visualization Software

InfoZoom - HumanIT Software

Inxight - Text Extraction, Federated Search, and Visualization

Grokker - Enterprise Search Management

Tableau Software - Visual Thinking for Business Intelligence

Panopticon - Commercial Treemap Package

Hive Group - Commercial Honeycomb Package (a Treemap variant)

VisuaLinks - Commercial Graph-Based Analysis Tool

Analyst's Notebook - Commercial Visual Analytics Tool

InfoVis Toolkits

Prefuse - General InfoVis Toolkit (java) by Jeffrey Heer

InfoVis Toolkit - General Toolkit by Jean-Daniel Fekete

NodeBox - Max OS X application for 2D visuals with Python
Doing Tufte visuals with it

JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit (JIT) - JavaScript Toolkit providing some basic infovis techniques

Data Sets

Various data sets - - From

InfoVis Benchmarks Repository - From HCIL, University of Maryland

Network Intrusion Data - From the UMass Lowell Information Exploration Shootout

Internet Mapping Project - At Lumeta

AirData - From the EPA

UNIX System User Load Data - From Bob Lechner of U Mass, Lowell

Geneology Data - From the US Census Bureau

World Wine Statistics - From the Wine Institute

Knowledge Discovery in Databases Archive - At UC Irvine

National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference - From the USDA

Jeff Klingner's database collection - At Stanford

Time Series Data Mining Archive - At UCR

Machine Learning Data Repository - At UCI

Other InfoVis Resources

Information Visualization web site - Info Vis community information

InfoVis:Wiki - Hosted at Vienna University of Technology

Jerry Isdale's Info Vis resources - Very large collection of information visualization related links and sites

Information Visualization resources on the web - Collection of links to resources by Tamara Munzner

Library of Info Vis Environments - Collection of resources and commentary from Univ of Maryland students

Potsdam - More InfoVis resources - Digital magazine about area

InfoVis Bibliography - Links to important InfoVis papers & references

Visualization Awareness Pages [link may be broken] - More resources for InfoVis