Game AI, Summer 2016:
Capstone options

Due: Day before scheduled final exam period at 11:55pm

You will be given until 11:55pm the night before the final exam period. Note that for grading the non-report option, I expect thorough documentation of both the evolution of your design as well as technical decisions, so keep good notes as you go along. The following are the options:

Non-Report Writeups

Note that for grading, I expect thorough documentation of both the evolution of your design as well as technical decisions, so keep good notes as you go along. In your submission, include a .doc or .txt file that describes the following:

Suggested Milestones

The following are strongly suggested (and partially enforced) milestones:


Submit via T-Square. For non-reports, this includes everything needed to run your game, and your writeup.


This project is worth 25% of your final grade. Non-report capstones will be demoed live during the final exam period.