Homework 7

The homework is due at class on Wednesday, October 29.
  1. Poly Multiplication: Problem 2.9 from [DPV] (Practice with polynomial multiplication)
  2. Interpolation: A polynomial C of degree ≤ 3 evaluates at the 4-th roots of unity as:
                            C(1) = 5,   C(-1) = 3,  C(i) = i,  C(-i) = -i.
    Determine the coefficients of the polynomial using FFT.
    (You need to show your work.)
  3. Cartesian Sum: Consider two sets A and B, each having n integers in the range from 0 to 10n.
    We wish to compute the Cartesian sum of A and B, defined by:
          C = { x + y : x∈ A and y∈ B}.
    Note that integers in C are in the range from 0 to 20n.
    We want to find the set of elements in C and also the number of times each
    element of C is realized as a sum of elements in A and B.
    Show that the problem can be solved in O(nlogn) time by
    reducing it to the polynomial multiplication algorithm.
    Example: A=[1,2,3], B=[2,3]
    then in this case C=[3,4,5,6]
    The output of your algorithm should be something like:
    3 appears and is obtainable in 1 way
    4 appears and is obtainable in 2 ways
    5 appears and is obtainable in 2 ways
    6 appears and is obtainable in 1 way