Cognitive Science at Georgia Tech Research

Research Groups and Projects

There are a wide range of interdisciplinary research groups in Cognitive Science at Georgia Tech. In addition to these projects, check the faculty home pages for more detailed listings of the projects they are involved in. Check the Publications listing for technical reports on these projects.

The NLR group: Natural language and reasoning
The IGOR group: Research in learning, case-based reasoning, natural language understanding, creativity, education, and cognitive science
The Mobile Robotics Lab: Intelligent mobile robotic systems
The EduTech Institute: Educational technology
The Cognitive Multimedia Project: Cognitively principled multimedia systems to support problem solving and learning
The Creativity Group: Computational models of creativity in design, scientific discovery, and natural language understanding.
The Journal of the Learning Sciences: Multidsciplinary forum for research on teaching and learning.
CBDA: Case-Based Design Aids.
The AID group: Artificial Intelligence and Design.


Technical reports on Cognitive Science research at Georgia Tech are available.

Technical reports
Keyword-searchable index of titles, authors, and abstracts

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Last Modified: October 26, 1994 by Anthony Francis (