CS 4665/7465: Educational Technology: Design and Evaluation

Midterm Assignment: Design

Due: February 26th, 2002

    Three deliverables are due on this day:
  1. midterm paper,
  2. midterm presentation, and
  3. your software.
  1. Midterm Paper
    Length:Approximately 10 to 20 pages
    Format:Double-spaced, 12-pt font

    For group projects, each team member must submit his/her own paper. You may share illustrations and screen shots with your team-mates.

    In your paper, your job is to convince me that you know how to design educational software. You need to document your design process: what were you trying to achieve? What did you learn through the design process? You will be evaluated on the theoretical grounding, thoroughness, and honesty of your analysis.

    Do not be afraid to find fault with your software. A "where we went wrong" paper can be an "A" as easily as a "what we have successfully accomplished" paper.

    In your paper, please discuss:

  2. Midterm Presentation

    Exact length of the presentation depends on the number of students in the class--to be announced. In class on 2/12 I'll give a short talk on how to give a short talk. I expect you to use that talk as a guide, and give a talk using overheads. In your talk, please address the key points of your paper and do a demo of your software.

    If you have more than one team member, you may do both talks jointly or each do one. One team member may not do all of both of the presentations.

  3. Software
    Please hand in a copy of your software (either online, on a floppy, or on a zip disk). All platforms are acceptable.
Together, these deliverables account for 35% of your final grade.