
2.1 Obtain GL4Java

You can download GL4Java at, where you may can find older versions and new demos either.

Then go to this chapter and click on the following list, or just download the appropiate file.

Please use some Save Link to ... function of your browser !

It could happen that your browser unzip the package automatically, then 'gunzip' or 'tar xzf' does not work of course - just use 'tar xf' then !

Windows users can use the WinZip utility to extract the tar-gzipped files, but be sure to NOT convert LF/CR characters, because these files are binary !

2.1.1 GL4Java's Version Numbers

Here is a little descriptions what the versions mean.

	binpkg/	               (the JAR file)
	binpkg/libGL4JavaX.Y.Z.R-<UNIX-TYPE>.tar.gz    (the native libs - unix)
	binpkg/libGL4JavaX.Y.Z.R-<WIN32-TYPE>.zip      (the native libs - win32)

        archive/  (demos      - for users :-)
        archive/GL4JavaX.Y.Z.R-src.tgz    (everything - for developers :-)
        archive/GL4JavaX.Y.Z.R-doc.tgz    (everything - for readers :-)

        (where X is the major, Y the minor, Z the bugfix and R the release 
	 library version number ! 
	 Take a look at VERSIONS.txt for a closer description !
	) Version Compatibility

All about the GL4Java Version Numbers

The GL4Java version-string is X.Y.Z.R:
       X - The major version number, 
           this only changes if the architecture has changed significant AND
           some or complete incompatibilities in the Java-API are drawn.
	   Synchronisation to other ports needed.
       Y - The minor version number,
           this may change if some changes or add-ons are made 
	   without incompatibility in the Java-API/ Java-Files.
	   Synchronisation to other ports is recommended.
       Z - The bugfix number,
           this may change for bugfix purposes in the
           Java- or Native-Files !
	   Synchronisation to other ports is not needed.
       R - The release number,
           for changes in native-libs, packaging, etc.
	   Synchronisation to other ports is not needed.
 The reason for synchronisation within X and Y is because 
 the GL4Java compatibility !

 A GL4Java X.Y.x.x application with an defined X and Y should run on all
 implementations !
 Another goal is that the gl4java.jar file of version X.Y.xx.xx can be used
 for any machine ! 
 My proposal is (from now on to being synchronized for X and Y !
 Everybody has to make an GL4Java-RFC to all developers on GL4Java
 (actually three interests :-).

 Please add yourself to the GL4Java mailinglist !
 Look at !

sven goethel 2001-12-11