Project Ideas

A number of people have asked for suggestions for project ideas. I've put together this list of possible ideas, including projects that people have done in the past. Please don't consider yourself limited to just these ideas--you're welcome to come up with cool UI techniques on your own. This list is just meant to convey the scope and scale of what we're looking for.

In general, good project ideas will represent a solid chunk of implementation work (for the grads the project replaces the final three undergrad homework assignments, so think at about this scale).

It'll hopefully represent a novel interaction technique, or at least a novel application of an existing interaction technique. For example, just reimplementing Pie Menus is not very novel, since it's been done tons of time. But creating an interesting (and well motivated!) variation of Pie Menus might be acceptable.

Here are some projects that have been done in the past, as well as potential project ideas from the TAs and myself. Please note that the project requirements may have changed somewhat from previous years. For example, not all of the projects below may have the "use one topic from the second half of class" requirement.