# Jay Summet, CS 1301, Donated to the public domain Nov 2008. #Fibonacci example, recursive (with cache) and iterative. fibCache = {} def fib(N): global fibCache if (N == 0): return(0) if (N == 1): return (1) result = fibCache.get(N, -1) #If the result is already in the cache, return it if( result != -1): return(result) else: #otherwise, calculate it, and place answer in cache. result = fib(N-1) + fib(N-2) fibCache[N] = result return(result) #Iterative version. (Does not require a cache for single use, but # would benefit from one for multiple uses.) def iFib(N): if (N == 0): return(0) if (N == 1): return (1) #N => 2 lastOne = 1 secondToLastOne = 0 for i in range(2,N+1): result = lastOne + secondToLastOne secondToLastOne = lastOne lastOne = result return(result)