#Your Name #Your GTID / email address #Collaboration Statement: ... """ Main function. You will need to query the user for their name, do some calculation to determine the line length, and produce the properly formatted output char - the character to create the frame with buff - the buffer on both the left and right side of the name """ def frameMe(char, buff): #Code for frameMe Goes here """ Function to return a single line of characters for a particular length length - the length of the line char - the character to create the frame with """ def createLine(length, char): toRet = "" #write code to do some manipulation to toRet in order #to return the correct line return toRet """ Function to return a properly formatted and centered name name - the name to center buff - the buffer on both the left and right side of the name char - the character to create the frame with """ def centerWord(name, buff, char): toRet = "" #write code to do some manipulation to toRet in order #to return the correctly centered line with proper buffer and characters return toRet """ The following tests (run from the shell) should match with what your function prints >>> frameMe("^", 5) Please enter a name: Sam ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ Sam ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> >>> frameMe("~", 18) Please enter a name: Cari ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Cari ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>> >>> frameMe("*", 3) Please enter a name: Roger Federer ******************* * Roger Federer * ******************* >>> """