Fall 2011 Knowledge-Based AI CS 4635/CS 7637
Instructor: Ashok K. Goel
Office: TSRB 219
Office Phone: 404-894-4994
Office Email: goel@cc.gatech.edu (best way to contact)
Office Hours: M/W/F, 10:10am-10:55am

GTA: Bryan Wiltgen
Office: TSRB 217.5 (Design & Intelligence Lab; couch/whiteboard area near Ashok's office)
Office Email: bryan.wiltgen@gatech.edu
Office Hours: T/Th, 10:00am - 11:00am (or by appointment)

GTA: Hayley Borck
Office: CCB Commons
Office Email: hborck3@gatech.edu
Office Hours: W, 2:00pm-5:00pm

Basic Course Description

Structured knowledge representations. Knowledge-based methods of problem solving, planning, decision making, and learning.

CS 4635 and CS 7637 are the undergraduate and graduate sections, respectively, of the same class. In either case, this is a "core" course. It is also a challenging course, involving significant amounts of independent work including both readings and projects.


There is no textbook; the instructor will provide handouts from:

  • Artificial Intelligence, Patrick Winston, 3rd edition.
  • Artificial Intelligence, Elaine Rich & Kevin Knight, 2nd edition
  • Knowledge Systems, Mark Stefik.
  • Review and research papers on selected topics.
Class Notes

Graduate students will take turns taking notes in the class and posting them to the class T-Square page.


