Michael Beyrouti
CS4475 - Project 2

How Many Fingers?!

How Many Fingers?! is an application that uses Python and OpenCV to detect the amount of fingers you have raised, and manipulates the output video feed according to the amount of fingers raised.

peace black and White black and White

The BreakDown

How Many Fingers?! is an application that uses Python and OpenCV to detect the amount of fingers you have raised, and manipulates the output video feed according to the amount of fingers raised. All fingers must be inside the green rectangle on a white background in a decently lit room. It is important that all fingers are within the box which may take a bit of adjusting the webcam. The video feed will prompt the user to raise his or her hand to the box and raise their fingers. Once to all five fingers, the video goes completely black & white with the foreground being white while the background is in black. This black and white image is stored as the final output image of the project

This idea stemmed from wanting to learn more about computer vision while implementing techniques learned in class