Project 1: Image Filtering and Hybrid Images

Filter implementation and testing

The filtering operation is pretty straightforward to implement. We perform the following steps -

filter_size = size(filter);

% perform checks on input size
if (isequal(mod(filter_size,2), [1 1]))
    % input filter has odd integer dimensions, so continue with filtering
    image_size = size(image);
    if size(image_size)== [1 2];
        % grayscale image
        image_size = [image_size 1];
    pad_size = (filter_size - 1) / 2;
    % pad the input image as per filter size
    %padded_image = padarray(image, pad_size, 'symmetric');
    padded_image = my_padarray(image, pad_size, 'symmetric');
    % initialize output
    output = zeros(image_size);
    % perform convolution
    for i=1:image_size(1)
        for j=1:image_size(2)
            % looping through each pixel
            for k=1:filter_size(1)
                for l=1:filter_size(2)
                    for c=1:image_size(3)
                        output(i, j, c) = output(i, j, c) + padded_image(i+k-1, j+l-1, c) .* filter(k, l);
    % input filter has at least one even integer dimension, terminate filtering
    error('Input filter has invalid dimensions!');

For testing, we compare the results of our implemented filter routine with Matlab's built-in routine. Here are some qualitative comparisons:

Filter used my_imfilter imfilter [built-in]
Identity filter
Box filter (small blur)
Gaussian filter (large blur, grayscale)
Sobel filter (grayscale)

Hybrid image generation

To construct hybrid images, we remove high-frequencies from one image by applying a low-pass filter operation on it and vice-versa on the other image. The hybrid image is constructed by simple addition of both filtered images. However, it is important that the images be aligned and of same resolution to get a satisfactory result.
This requires some trial and error on figuring out the suitable cutoff frequency for a given pair of images.

low_frequencies = my_imfilter(image1, filter);

% Remove the low frequencies from image2 by subtracting a blurred version of image2 from the original version of image2.
% This will give you an image centered at zero with negative values.

blurred = my_imfilter(image2,filter);
high_frequencies = image2-blurred;

% Combine the high frequencies and low frequencies

hybrid_image = low_frequencies + high_frequencies;

Here are some resultant hybrid images:

Result 1 - Dog and Cat

Gaussian blur with standard deviation = 7 pixels (cutoff frequency)
Low frequency High frequency Hybrid

Result 2 - Marilyn and Eintein

Gaussian blur with standard deviation = 5 pixels (cutoff frequency)
Low frequency High frequency Hybrid

Result 3 - Plane and Bird

Gaussian blur with standard deviation = 8 pixels (cutoff frequency)
Low frequency High frequency Hybrid

Bonus images

Result 4 - Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg

Gaussian blur with standard deviation = 5 pixels (cutoff frequency)
Low frequency High frequency Hybrid

Result 5 - Marilyn and Einstein in Fourier space

We decided to see how we can apply filtering and construct hybrid images in Fourier space. Here are the steps we followed:

%% Filtering and Hybrid Image construction (FFT)

% first image
image1fft = fftshift(fft2(image1)); % moves the zero-frequency component to the center of the array
image1fftabs = abs(image1fft);

median_value = median(reshape(image1fftabs, [1 numel(image1fftabs)])); % compute median of all values
threshold = median_value * cutoff; %cutoff needs to be decided by trial and error for each pair of images

image1fft(image1fftabs < threshold) = 0; %filtering operation
image1_ifft = abs(ifft2(image1fft));
image1fftabs = abs(image1fft);

% second image

image2fft = fftshift(fft2(image2));
image2fftabs = abs(image2fft);

image2fft(image2fftabs > threshold) = 0; %filtering operation
image2_ifft = abs(ifft2(image2fft));
image2fftabs = abs(image2fft);

% combine in fourier space
image_fft = image1fft+image2fft; % hybrid image in fourier space
image_ifft = abs(ifft2(image_fft)); % hybrid image in image space
Low frequency (Image space) High frequency (Image space) Hybrid
Low frequency (Fourier space) High frequency (Fourier space) Hybrid (Fourier space)

On a concluding note, here's a creepy mashup of Mark and Matt's long lost child!

Image courtesy -