Project 1: Image Filtering and Hybrid Images


The alogrithm behind linear image filtering is relatively simple. Given two inputs matrices (image and filter). For every pixel in image, we take a submatrix of same size as filter, consists of pixels surrounding it. Then do a inner product between the submatrix and the filter, the sum of all the products will be the corresponding value in output matrix. To take care of the edge of image, we need to pad zeros surrounding the image before filter it.

In this project, we have to handle both gray-scale and color images. However, for color images we can handle each channel independently, which means we just need to do exactly same operations three times as we do to gray-scale image. Here's my code of my_imfilter.

function output = my_imfilter(image, filter)
	% get size info
	im_row = size(image, 1);
	im_col = size(image, 2);
	depth = size(image, 3);
	f_row = size(filter, 1);
	f_col = size(filter, 2);
	row_padding = floor(f_row/2);
	col_padding = floor(f_col/2);

	% padding
	image = vertcat(zeros(row_padding, im_col, depth), image); % up
	image = vertcat(image, zeros(row_padding, im_col, depth)); % down
	image = horzcat(zeros(im_row + 2*row_padding, col_padding, depth), image); % left
	image = horzcat(image, zeros(im_row + 2*row_padding, col_padding, depth)); % right

	% filter
	output = zeros(im_row, im_col, depth);
	if depth == 3
	    filter = filter(:,:,ones(1,3));
	for row = 1 : im_row
	    for col = 1 : im_col
	        element = image(row:row+f_row-1, col:col+f_col-1, :) .* filter;
	        for d = 1 : depth
	            output(row, col, d) = sum(sum(element(:, :, d)));

Here are the result images from proj1_test_filtering.

Hybrid images

The idea of hybrid images is to take low frequencies and high frequencies from two images respectively, then add them up to form a new image. The procedure includes three steps as following:

  1. Remove the high frequencies from image2 by filtering it with a Gaussian filter
    low_frequencies = my_imfilter(image1, filter);
  2. Remove the low frequencies from image1 by substracting the low frequencies of it from the original image
    high_frequencies = image2 - my_imfilter(image2, filter);
  3. Add the low frequencies from image1 and the high frequencies from image2
    hybrid_image = low_frequencies + high_frequencies;

For different pair of images, the proportion of low frequencies/high frequencies is controlled by cutoff_frequency, which determines the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter. Here are five hybrid images with different cutoff_frequencies.

cat&dog cutoff_frequency = 7

bicycle&motorcycle cutoff_frequency = 4

Einstein&Marilyn cutoff_frequency = 4

bird&plane cutoff_frequency = 5

submarine&fish cutoff_frequency = 6