Project 2: Local Feature Matching

Accuracy = 97%
Accuracy = 83%

Interest Point Detection.

I implemented the Harris corner detector that says that corners are good interest points. Corners are unique in that they exhibit large contrast changes (gradients), and they are easier to localize (as opposed to straight line segments that suffer from the aperture problem). I used a simple response function that is calculated at each pixel based on the x and y derivaties of an image convolved with Gaussians like:

My algorithm is as follows:

Some parameter tunings that I made to achieve really high accuracies for Notre Dame (97%) and Mount Rushmore(83%):

Instead of looking for local maxima in the interest function, that can lead to an uneven distribution of feature points across the image, e.g., points will be denser in regions of higher contrast, i used ANMS to mitigate this problem. Algoirhtm:

After trying several values for thresholding r, i decided to go with 0.002.

Accuracy = 97%

Local Feature Descriptors.

After producing a set of interesting points, the second step in the pipeline is to create features that describe each of these points. The descriptor should ideally be robust to lighting and viewpoint changes while still being highly discriminating. The SIFT descriptor consists of gradient magnitude-weighted histograms of gradient orientations. I divided the feature window into a grid (4x4). For each cell of this grid, I created a histogram on the image's gradient orientations, weighted by the magnitude of the gradient. Appending these histograms from each cell, I created my feature vectors with the following properties:

My algorithm is as follows:

I experimented with different feature sizes and cell sizes by changing the feature_width and ultimately decided to stick with a feature width of 16,cell size of 4x4, feature size of 128, giving highest accuracy of 97% for the Notre Dame pair of images. below are the results I obtained after tuning:

feature_width = 8, Feature size = 64, cell size = 2x2, Accuracy = 77%
feature_width = 32, Feature size = 512, cell size = 8x8, Accuracy = 89%

I also observed that the run time was proportionally increasing with the increase in feature size.

Feature Matching.

Now that the 2 useful feature descriptors are available, the next step in the pipeline is to match these features. I implemented the K-Nearest Neighbour search to find the 2 closest interest points in Image2 for every interest point in Image1. And then used the ratio of their distances for the "Nearest neighbour Ratio Test".

My algorithm is as follows:

Knnsearch (kd-tree) ran slightly faster than doing the naive pdist2 computation and then sorting this matrix. Another confidence metric that I tried was (1/nn_ratio) which yielded slightly poorer results than (1-nn_ratio). (1-nn_ratio) I feel is a better metric as on expanding it is the ratio of the difference(d2-d1) with d2.

Episcopal Gaudi performance.

Accuracy = 5%

My entire pipeline and paramter-tuning worked really well for images with minor differences in size and orientation such as Notre Dame and Mount Rushmore. However, for the Gaudi pair of images, it does not scale well as the 2 images are very different and a scale-invariant version is needed. A terribly low accuracy of 5% was obtained.