Project 2: Local Feature Matching

For project 2, I worked to implement Harris Corner Detection, Sift Feature Matching, and the Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio test to match collected features. The basic algorithm ran in the following fashion.

  1. Find pertinent interest points using the Harris Corner Detection. We then want to supress the points to return the maximum value in a given region.
  2. Create feature elements around the interest points using the SIFT histogram design. Features are composite histograms of smaller, internal cells. These histograms are then stored in a features array.
  3. Two sets of features are passed into the match_features function, which compares the points and used Euclidean distances to identify corresponding points from the two sets of features. The NNDR is then calculated to cull that list to a thresholded group of most accurate matches.


However, despite my attempted implementation, my feature detection project did not return a substantial accuracy to merit full credit. While using cheat_interest_points, my accuracy was as high a 27 percent, but then dropped to around 2% when get_interest_points was added. This leads me to believe that a substantial bug was present in either my get_features function or get_interest_points function.

SIFT Feature Creation

Below is the part of my get_features function that I believe is faulty, and I intend to still try and understand where my interpretation and implementation failed.

%example code
    while j <= feature_width && k <= feature_width
        cell_Matrix = feature_Matrix(j:j + (cell_width - 1), ...
            k:k + (cell_width - 1));
        %Gmag, Gdir are both matrices
        [Gmag, Gdir] = imgradient(cell_Matrix);
        hValue = zeros(1, 8);
        for n = 1:cell_width
            for m = 1:cell_width
                curDirection = Gdir(n, m);
                curMagnitude = Gmag(n, m);
                if (-180 < curDirection <= -135) 
                    hValue(1) = hValue(1) + curMagnitude; 
                elseif (-135 < curDirection && curDirection <= -90)
                    hValue(2) = hValue(2) + curMagnitude; 
                elseif (-90 < curDirection && curDirection <= -45)
                    hValue(3) = hValue(3) + curMagnitude;
                elseif (-45 < curDirection && curDirection <= 0)
                    hValue(4) = hValue(4) + curMagnitude;
                elseif (0 < curDirection && curDirection <= 45) 
                    hValue(5) = hValue(5) + curMagnitude;
                elseif (45 < curDirection && curDirection <= 90)
                    hValue(6) = hValue(6) + curMagnitude;
                elseif (90 < curDirection && curDirection <= 135)
                    hValue(7) = hValue(7) + curMagnitude;
                elseif (135 < curDirection && curDirection <= 180)
                    hValue(8) = hValue(8) + curMagnitude;
        hValue = hValue ./ feature_width;
        histogram_Matrix = [histogram_Matrix, hValue];
        %histSz = size(histogram_Matrix)
        if (j == feature_width + 4)
            k = k + 4;
            j = 1;
            j = j + 4;

Results in a table

Above are the pictures from the Notre Dame test case. The top row is using cheat_interest_points and the bottom is using get_interest_points.