Project 2: Local Feature Matching

Getting the Interest Points

To get interest points for each image, the Harris Corner Detection algorithm is used. The gradient for each image is first calculated. The cornerness score is calculated for each pixel in the image using the equation g(I^2 x)g(I^2 y) - [g(I x * I y)]^2 - 0.06[g(I^2 x) + g(I^2 y)]^2. Next, I calculate the maximum cornerness value in a 12 x 12 neighborhood for each pixel. I chose 12 x 12 after playing with the values, as a larger neighborhood will end up yielding a lower number of more accurate interest points. After that, I iterate through the pixels of the image to get the cornerness score at each pixel. If that score is larger than the threshold of 0 (chosen after testing different values, including a dynamic threshold equivalent to the mean value of all cornerness scores) and the score is equal to the maximum cornerness value in the pixel neighborhood, add that pixel as a point of interest.

xSize = size(image, 1);
ySize = size(image, 2);

I_x2 = gradX.^2;
I_y2 = gradY.^2;
I_xy = gradX.*gradY;

g_x2 = imgaussfilt(I_x2);
g_y2 = imgaussfilt(I_y2);
g_xy = imgaussfilt(I_xy);

h = g_x2 .* g_y2 - g_xy.^2 - 0.06 * (g_x2 + g_y2).^2;

thresh = 0;
maxIm = colfilt(h, [12,12], 'sliding', @max); 

for xI=1:xSize
   for yI=1:ySize
       hVal = h(xI, yI);
        if (hVal > thresh && hVal == maxIm(xI, yI))
            x = cat(1, x, yI);
            y = cat(1, y, xI);
            confidence = cat(1, confidence, hVal);

Getting the Features

To get the feature for each interest point, first the gradient of the image is calculated. From there, a feature_width x feature_width grid of pixels is pulled, with the interest point centered in the grid. If part of the grid is outside of the image, the interest point is simply discarded to prevent incorrect features. From there, the feature_width x feature_width grid is then divided into a 4 x 4 grid of cells. The gradient at each pixel is then put into a 8-bin histogram based on the direction of the gradient. No position interpolation is performed. Each magnitude is simply added to the overall bin value. For each histogram, the values are then normalized. After that, the histogram for each pixel in the cell is appended, creating a (feature_width / 4)^2 * 8 size feature.

[gradX, gradY] = imgradientxy(image);
[gradMag, gradDir] = imgradient(gradX, gradY);

points = size(x, 1);

half_width = feature_width / 2;

features = zeros(points, (feature_width / 4)^2 * 8);

for i=1:points
    % To ensure there is a ceil and a floor
   xVal = y(i);
   yVal = x(i);
   % Determining range for pixels in feature_width x feature_width
   % neighborhood
   xValCeil = ceil(xVal);
   xValFloor = floor(xVal);
   yValCeil = ceil(yVal);
   yValFloor = floor(yVal);
   if (xValCeil == xValFloor) 
       xValCeil = xValCeil + 1;
   if (yValCeil == yValFloor)
       yValCeil = yValCeil + 1;
   xMin = xValFloor - (half_width - 1);
   xMax = xValCeil + (half_width - 1);
   yMin = yValFloor - (half_width - 1);
   yMax = yValCeil + (half_width - 1);
   if (xMin > 0 && yMin > 0 && xMax <= height && yMax <= width)
       % Getting the feature_width x feature_width gradient neighborhood
       gradMagNeighborhood = gradMag(xMin:xMax, yMin:yMax);
       gradDirNeighborhood = gradDir(xMin:xMax, yMin:yMax);

       % Iterating through the 4x4 grid
       gridWidth = feature_width / 4;

       feature = [];

       for j=1:4
           for k=1:4
              hist = zeros(1, 8); 

              startLocX = 1 + (j-1) * gridWidth;
              startLocY = 1 + (k-1) * gridWidth;

              gridMag = gradMagNeighborhood(startLocX:startLocX+gridWidth-1, startLocY:startLocY+gridWidth-1);
              gridDir = gradDirNeighborhood(startLocX:startLocX+gridWidth-1, startLocY:startLocY+gridWidth-1);

              gridMag = imgaussfilt(gridMag);

              for l=1:gridWidth
                  for m=1:gridWidth
                      binNum = floor(((mod(gridDir(l,m) + 180, 360)) / (360 / 8))) + 1;
                      hist(1, binNum) = hist(1, binNum) + gridMag(l,m);

              hist = hist/norm(hist);
              feature = cat(2, feature, hist);

       features(i,:) = feature(1,:);

Matching the Points

To match features between the two images, a Euclidean distance is calculated for each possible pair of features. Then for each feature in the first image, the feature that has the smallest distance in the second image is selected as the corresponding point. Then, a ratio is calculated to determine confidence of the match. The ratio takes the smallest distance pair for the feature and divides it by the second smallest distance pair. The smaller the ratio, the more confident the match is. After this, the features are filtered to only allow matches with a confidence better that 80%, throwing out unconfident matches.

matches = [];
confidences = [];

for i=1:num_features1
    d1_feature1 = -1;
    d1_feature2 = -1;

    d1 = realmax;
    d2 = realmax;
    for j=1:num_features2
        diffs = features1(i,:) - features2(j,:);
        diffSq = diffs .* diffs;
        dist = sqrt(sum(diffSq));
        if (dist < d1)
            % Shifting d1 to d2
            d2 = d1;
            d1 = dist;
            d1_feature1 = i;
            d1_feature2 = j;
            if (dist < d2)
                d2 = dist;
    if (d1_feature1 > 0 && d1_feature2 > 0 && d1 / d2 < 0.8)
        matches = cat(1, matches, [d1_feature1, d1_feature2]);
        confidences = cat(1, confidences, d1 / d2);

Matching Results

Notre Dame

In this case, the algorithm performed remarkably well. In the few areas where it did not match (especially in the bell towers), the features are remarkably similar at multiple points, causing a good reason for the false matches.

Mt. Rushmore

The same can be said for the Mt. Rushmore matching. The system found numerous correct feature matches, with many of the false positives coming very close to the actual matching features.


Unfortunately, this feature detection pipeline didn't fare too well for the house image. In this case, the large differences in lighting, angle, and sky made it very difficult for the algorithm to find and match the right features. Additionally, the size difference between the images can adversely affect the performance as well.

Disney Castle Paris

The same can be said for the Disney Castle, as many of the features are incorrectly matched. I believe this is due to the larger amounts of rotation and size, as this implementation does not perform the size-invariance techniques.