` Computer Vision Project

Project 3 / Camera Calibration and Fundamental Matrix Estimation with RANSAC

Camera Projection Matrix

I computed the camera projection matrix that goes from the world 3D coordinates to 2D image coordinates using homogeneous coordinates. Using this matrix (M), I then calculated the camera center for both the sets of points given (normalised and unnormalised.)

My algorithm is as follows:

[U, S, V]= svd(A);
M = V(:,end);
M = reshape(M,[],3)';


Normalized input points

The projection matrix is:
    0.4583   -0.2947   -0.0140    0.0040
   -0.0509   -0.0546   -0.5411   -0.0524
    0.1090    0.1783   -0.0443    0.5968

The total residual is: 0.0445

The estimated location of camera is: (-1.5127, -2.3517, 0.2826)
Not-normalized input points

The projection matrix is:
    0.0069   -0.0040   -0.0013   -0.8267
    0.0015    0.0010   -0.0073   -0.5625
    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0034

The total residual is: 15.5450

The estimated location of camera is: (303.1000, 307.1843, 30.4217)

Fundamental Matrix Estimation

My basic algorithm (without normalization of points) is as follows:

[U D V]= svd(A);
F = V(:,end);
F = reshape(F,[],3)';

[Uf Df Vf]= svd(F);
Df(end, end) = 0;
F_matrix = Uf*Df*Vf';

Extra Credit : Fundamental Matrix Estimation

To improve the estimated Fundamental Matrix, I normalized the input points. The improved algorithm (with normalization of points) involves computing a linear transformation matrix for both images such that it makes the mean of the points zero and the average magnitude about 1.0 is as follows:

% Estimate scale and mean for a
mean_ax = mean(Points_a(:,1));
mean_ay = mean(Points_a(:,2));
scale_ax = 1/std(Points_a(:,1)-mean_ax );
scale_ay = 1/std(Points_a(:,2)-mean_ay );

% Transform a
Points_a = [Points_a ones(n,1)];
Points_a = (T_a*Points_a(:,1:3)')'; 

[U D V]= svd(A);
F = V(:,end);
F = reshape(F,[],3)';

[Uf Df Vf]= svd(F);
Df(end, end) = 0;
F_matrix = Uf*Df*Vf';

    F_matrix = T_b' * F_matrix * T_a;


    Fundamental Matrix (Not - normalized):
    -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0019
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0172
   -0.0009   -0.0264    0.9995 
Without normalized input points: Slight difference between the lines and dots is present.

    Fundamental Matrix (With normalized points):
    -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0007
    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0055
   -0.0000   -0.0075    0.1740 
With normalized input points: Almost perfect crossing of lines on dots.

Conclusion: Even though here not much difference is observed (because the input correspondences are pretty much perfect), we expect to see a better improvement in the next part - RANSAC.

Fundamental Matrix with RANSAC

For this Select-Compute-Update type algorithm, I tried a bunch of values for the different parameters such as:

My algorithm is as follows:


Below are the results for RANSAC using 0.005 as a threshold, for both versions of part 2 [un-normalised(BEFORE) and normalised(AFTER) points used for fundamental matrix estimation]

Mount Rushmore Pair Of Images (BEFORE)

Without normalized input points: About 137 inliers found.

Mount Rushmore Pair Of Images (AFTER)

After normalization: About 649 inliers found.
Reducing it to 30 for a neater visualization.

Notre Dame Pair Of Images (BEFORE)

Without normalized input points: About 135 inliers found.

Notre Dame Pair Of Images (AFTER)

After normalization: About 520 inliers found.
Reducing it to 30 for a neater visualization.

Woodruff Dorm Pair Of Images (BEFORE)

Without normalized input points: About 200 inliers found.

Woodruff Dorm Pair Of Images (AFTER)

After normalization: About 212 inliers found.
Reducing it to 30 for a neater visualization.

Episcopal Gaudi Pair Of Images (BEFORE)

Without normalized input points: About 202 inliers found. Note how some points are completely incorrectly matched.

Episcopal Gaudi Pair Of Images (AFTER)

After normalization: About 374 inliers found. Much better matched due to normalization.
Reducing it to 30 for a neater visualization.

Conclusion :

For the un-normalized points, the fundamental matrix isn't as accurate as the that for the normalized points. For a threshold of 0.005, the normalization helps achieve more inliers and more accurate inliers when RANSAC is performed to estimate the fundamental matrix.