Project 3: Camera Calibration and Fundamental Matrix Estimation with RANSAC

For this project, I implemented the following:

  1. Part 1: Camera Projection Matrix

    My code determines the projection matrix M to map the 3D world coordinates to 2D image coordinates. I used simple linear regression and then fixed the scale by setting the last element of the matrix to 0. I also tried SVD but it did not provide clear benifits.
    To find the center of the camera C, I used the fact that M can be represented as (Q|m) where Q is a 3x3 matrix and m is the fourth column such that
    C = -Q^(-1)*m

    For testing it, I used the provided set of normalized points. For the test set, I got the following results:
    The projection matrix is:
        0.7679   -0.4938   -0.0234    0.0067
       -0.0852   -0.0915   -0.9065   -0.0878
        0.1827    0.2988   -0.0742    1.0000
    The total residual is: 0.0445
    The estimated location of camera is: -1.5126, -2.3517, 0.2827
    The image on the right shows the 3D distribution of test points and the camera. The second image shows how the points on the 2D image calculated using my projection matrix superimposed on actual points.
    I also used it on the more difficult set of non-normalized points. For the test set, I got the following results:
    The projection matrix is:
       -2.0466    1.1874    0.3889  243.7330
       -0.4569   -0.3020    2.1472  165.9325
       -0.0022   -0.0011    0.0006    1.0000
    The total residual is: 15.6217
    The estimated location of camera is: 303.0967, 307.1842, 30.4223
    I got a much higher residual. However, the points projected points align very well with the real points as you can see in the plots below.
    The image on the right shows the 3D distribution of test points and the camera. The second image shows how the points on the 2D image calculated using my projection matrix superimposed on actual points.

  2. Part 2: Fundamental Matrix Estimation

    For this part, I used similar techniques as in part 1 to estimate the fundamental matrix. A fundamental matrix maps points in one image to lines in another.
    I used SVD (such that F = U S V') and set the smallest singular value in S to 0 to form a rank 2 matrix. Here are the results from the test images:

    I also applied the normalization techniques mentioned in the paper In Defence of the 8-point Algorithm by Richard I. Hartley to make the fundamental matrix estimation more robust against noise. Here are the results from the test images:
    There is no difference in performance after applying normalization because we already know the ground truth of the test images. The difference will become more apparent in the Gaudi image set. You can see the full res versions of these images in the proj folder here
  3. Part 3: RANSAC:

    Finally, I implemented a rather simple version of the RANSAC algorithm. The basic algorithm is summarized here: Overview of the RANSAC Algorithm by Konstantinos G. Derpanis. My RANSAC algorithm has 3 parameters that can be specified by the user. They are:
    • Threshold: The threshold of error to decide whether a point is an inlier or outlier.
    • Ratio of inliers: The min ratio required between the number of inliers and the total number of points.
    • Maximum iterations: The max iterations RANSAC will run for if it does not find a set of points with the required ratio.
    In addition, for testing purposes, users can pass a matlab random number generator to control the random permutations used in RANSAC.


Go to this result page to view the the result of the above program on different sets of images.

Go to this Directory to view all the images organized into folders by name.


You can check some of the plots I created by varying the threshold and proportion while running RANSAC on the Rushmore set here. I could not finish analysing them on time. You can create your own plots using the exec.m script. I will look into them in the future.