Project 4 / Scene Recognition with Bag of Words

Example scenes from of each category in the 15 scene dataset. Figure from Lazebnik et al. 2006.

My scene recognition pipeline has two parts. I used the 15 scene dataset and implemented the following:

Part 1: Feature Extraction

This consists of going through the training and test sets and extracting the relevant features. I experimented with three feature representations:
  1. Tiny image representation. Originally created by Torralba, Fergus, and Freeman. I simply resized each image to 16x16 and used the 256 pixels as a feature. I experimented with normalizing the features and making their mean 0.
  2. SIFT Features
  3. gist descripters. I used the gist decripters originally implemented by Aude Oliva, Antonio Torralba.

Part 2: Machine Learning

With the features in hand, I set out to classify them. I used two classification algorithms:
  1. Nearest Neighbor
  2. Linear Support Vector Machine


I performed the following experiments:
  1. Tiny Image with Nearest Neighbors

    Here, I ran tiny image with slight variations and then used nearest neighbors on those features. The variations are:
    • Just 256 pixels. The results were:
      Using tiny image representation for images
      Elapsed time is 12.498010 seconds.
      Using nearest neighbor classifier to predict test set categories
      Elapsed time is 1.961715 seconds.
      Accuracy = 0.191
      This was expected. You can see the full results here.

    • Just 256 pixels, but with normalization. I normalized the features to unit length. The results were:
      Using tiny image representation for images
      Elapsed time is 12.452074 seconds
      Using nearest neighbor classifier to predict test set categories
      Elapsed time is 1.543277 seconds.
      Accuracy = 0.199
      This was expected. I got a small boost in performance (0.199 vs 0.191).
      I did not expect it to take slightly less time, although I might be reading too much into it.
      You can see the full results here.

    • Just 256 pixels, but with normalization and zero mean. I normalized the features to unit length and set the mean to 0 by subtracting the old mean from each element in the feature. The results were:
      Using tiny image representation for images
      Elapsed time is 12.946300 seconds.
      Using nearest neighbor classifier to predict test set categories
      Elapsed time is 1.083529 seconds.
      Accuracy = 0.147
      This was very unexpected. I got a considerable loss in performance (0.147 vs 0.191) and it took longer to run.
      You can see the full results here.

  2. Bag of SIFT with Nearest Neighbors

    I first ran SIFT with a vocab size of 200 and step size of 10. Results:
    Using bag of sift representation for images
    Elapsed time is 244.782265 seconds.
    Using nearest neighbor classifier to predict test set categories
    Elapsed time is 2.066009 seconds.
    Accuracy = 0.513
    Confusion matrix

    This was expected. As you can see, the creating a vocabulary and extracting SIFT features too about 4 minutes.
    I got an accuracy of 51%

  3. Bag of SIFT with Linear SVMs

    Again, I used a vocab size of 200 and step size of 10. I varied Lambda to get the best performance.
    First I went through orders of magnitude, going from 0.1 to 10^-7. The results were:
    Lambda 10^-1 10^-2 10^-3 10^-4 10^-5 10^-6 10^-7
    Accuracy 0.4413 0.5387 0.5853 0.6313 0.5853 0.5507 0.5133
    Time (s) 0.8738 0.7585 0.9060 1.470 2.2398 6.6108 26.5470
    Plotting these:

    As you can see, there is a clear peak at 10^-4. So I started fine tuning.
    I ran it again but with Lambda varying from 0.0001 to 0.0009 in increments of 0.0001.
    Lambda 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008 0.0009
    Accuracy 0.6287 0.6247 0.6180 0.6100 0.5987 0.5987 0.5967 0.6027 0.5953
    Time (s) 1.212 1.0172 0.8319 0.8044 0.8769 0.8388 0.8402 0.7931 1.0674
    Plotting these:

    Since 0.0001 performed the best, I used that value for future experiments.

    After this, I varied the vocab size. I experimented with parallel processing by using parpool to create a cluster locally and then using parfor loops. The result was
    Size 10 20 50 100 200 400 1000
    Accuracy 0.490 0.391 0.616 0.590 0.632 0.634 0.631

    Here is the confusion matrix for Lambda = 0.0002 and Vocab Size = 400:
    The accuracy was 0.627 .You can see the full results here.
  4. gist with Nearest Neighbors

    Using only gist features, I got a small increase in accuracy. Results:
    Using bag of gist representation for images
    Elapsed time is 308.598544 seconds.
    Using nearest neighbor classifier to predict test set categories
    Elapsed time is 4.023655 seconds.
    Accuracy (mean of diagonal of confusion matrix) is 0.561
    Confusion matrix

    Creating gist features took longer to extract than SIFT (5 minutes vs 4 minutes). There was a 3% increase in accuracy.

  5. gist with Linear SVMs

    I varied Lambda to get the best performance.
    First I went through orders of magnitude, going from 0.1 to 10^-7. The results were:
    Lambda 10^-1 10^-2 10^-3 10^-4 10^-5 10^-6 10^-7
    Accuracy 0.2927 0.5720 0.6513 0.6913 0.6807 0.6493 0.6367
    Time (s) 0.9898 0.9484 1.0137 1.5346 4.9265 17.2567 23.6776
    Plotting these (Note the Y axis in the first plot is accuracy, and time in the second plot.):

    As you can see, there is a clear peak at 10^-4. So I started fine tuning.
    I ran it again but with Lambda varying from 0.0001 to 0.0009 in increments of 0.0001.
    Lambda 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008 0.0009
    Accuracy 0.6967 0.6967 0.6847 0.6673 0.6573 0.6767 0.6633 0.6520 0.6687
    Time (s) 1.5756 1.268 1.1900 1.1118 1.1181 1.0523 1.1142 1.1592 1.201
    Plotting these (Note the Y axis in the first plot is accuracy, and time in the second plot.):

    Since 0.0001 and 0.0002 performed equally well and 0.0002 took less time, I used 0.0002 as my Lambda value for further experimetnts.
    Here is the confusion matrix for Lambda = 0.0002:
    The accuracy was 0.687 . This is the better than bag of SIFT by about 0.07. You can see the full results here.

  6. Combining features

    Thinking the more the merrier, I first combined all the three feature representations above and classified them using SVM.
    the results were dismal. I got only 9%. The confusion matrix is:

    I figured the tiny image representation might be skewing things on account of it's low information features. I combined gist and SIFT and the results were pretty good. I achieved around 77%. It achieved more than 90% accuracy for Suburb (95%), Street(91%) and Forest (92%)! The result was:

    Scene classification results visualization

    Accuracy (mean of diagonal of confusion matrix) is 0.768

    Category name Accuracy Sample training images Sample true positives False positives with true label False negatives with wrong predicted label
    Kitchen 0.650



    Store 0.660



    Bedroom 0.570



    LivingRoom 0.450



    Office 0.890



    Industrial 0.750



    Suburb 0.950



    InsideCity 0.790



    TallBuilding 0.880



    Street 0.910



    Highway 0.830



    OpenCountry 0.590



    Coast 0.830



    Mountain 0.850



    Forest 0.920



    Category name Accuracy Sample training images Sample true positives False positives with true label False negatives with wrong predicted label

Weird result

I tried using Olivier Chapelle's SVM MATLAB code with an RBF kernel but it gave me 100% accuracy every time. Something was clearly wrong. Here is the confusion matrix I got:


In the end, I managed to achieve about 76.8% accuracy by combining gist and SIFT features. I could have gotten better results by accounting for different spatial scales, using more optimized values for stepsize, image size etc. and using different SVM kernels. I will look into them in the future. I also couldn't finish performing cross validation which would have given me a more honest idea of the accuracy of my model. I tried running the code on GT PACE High Performance Cluster but couldn't get it working.


You can see the confusion matrices and other plots I made while performing the experiments here. I did not include all of them in this webpage for the sake of brevity.