Project 5 / Face Detection with a Sliding Window

Face detection is one of the most useful and commonly observed feature in cameras and on social networking sites. In this project, faces were detected using a sliding window approach described by Dalal and Bill .Dalal-Triggs focuses on representation more than learning and introduces the SIFT-like Histogram of Gradients (HoG) representation. Face detection was performed by training postive and negative training images and classifying using support vector maching and detecting by sliding window mechanism. The following were implemeted to identify faces in images.

  1. Extracting positive features
  2. Extracting random negative features
  3. Training using SVM on positive and negative features
  4. >Run face detector using sliding window
  5. Extracting positive features

    Positive features are training instances in which each image in the set is a 36x36 picture of a face. HOG descriptor with cell size 6 is caculates on this image. The 3d array og HOG descriptor obtained from vl_hog() is converted to 1D array. The same procedure was applied to the horizontally mirrored/flipped image to get one more HOG descriptor to increase the training data set size.

    Extracting random negative features

    Images in the negative training set is used to create the negative feature matrix for a given number of samples. Features are extracted from multiple scales of a single image so that the negative feature has good variation. Using the total negative samples needed samples per image is calculated. For each image number of scales sizes that can accomodate the template size is calculated as,

    Number of scales = floor( log( template_size / image_dimension ) / log( scale_value ) )
    The scale value is chosen as 0.7. From 0 to found number of scales (scale number), the images are resized using imresize(image, scale_value^scale_number). For each resized image, random coordinates are chosen and are used to extract template sized windows for which HOG features are found and stored. Each successive scale samples half the number of samples taken by its previous higher scale size. Thus the required number of negative features are found.

    Training using SVM

    The positive and negative features are concatenated and labels are created for them. Suppor vector machine with a lamdba of 0.0001 is used to train and w and b values are returned. vl_svmtrain comes in handy for doing the same. ( Please find the code in train_classifier.m)

    Run face detector using sliding window

    Thus the obtained w and b in the previous step are used to check if a part of the test image is a face or not. To find face of different sizes, image pyramid of test images are created and for each scaled image in the pyramid, HOG feature is computed. Scale value was chosen as 0.7. The number of scaled images that can be used to test for faces is computed using the above said formula. i.e. Number of scales = floor( log( template_size / image_dimension ) / log( scale_value ) ) Each window of tempate size from the computed hog cells is tested with the known w and b values. Confidence is calculated as,

    confidence = Transposed_hog * w + b
    Higher the confidence value (nearer to 1) higher is the probabilty of the window belonging to a face. Multiple confidence thresholds were experimented with. Confidence threshold of 0.5 gave very good results. Other tested confidence threshold were 0.8, 0.25, 0, -0.2, -1 Threshold of 0.5 gave lesser false positives since it is a conservative value exhibited mostly by faces. Different hog cell sizes of 6, 4 and 3 were also experimented with.


    Threshold: 0.5, Lambda: 0.0001 Face template HoG visualization

    Sorted by Average Precision

    Precision Recall curve

    Some examples of detection on the test sets

    Tweaking some parameters

    Threshold: Reducing the threshold value gave higher recall rate but number of false positives were also inrceased decreasing the average precision. Reverse was also true. Incrasing the threshold value increased precision, but overall recall rate was reduced. Lambda: Even with the same lambda value, in different runs I observed different precision and recall values. Lambda of 0.0001 gave me good average precision of 0.82 In general, trend was for higher values of lambda generalisation was better, the model could deal better with the higher variance in data. And, for lower values of lambda, number of misclassifications will be lower, but margin will also be low. Other variables were HOG cell size and step size.

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