CS 4803/7643 Deep Learning - Coding Questions for HW4

In this homework, we will implement algorithms for two kinds - (1) dynamic programming and (2) reinforcement learning with Q-Learning for solving Markov Decision Processes (MDPs).

Note that this homework is adapted from the Stanford CS234: Reinforcement Learning Winter 2019 course.

Download the starter code here.


Python 3.7.X is required for this assignment. Either install it directly or create a virtual environment with conda:

conda create -n hw4 python=3.7

First, install dependencies in requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, install PyTorch 1.2 from pytorch.org - either the CPU or GPU version depending on what your machine supports.

Part 1: Dynamic Programming (30 points)

Open the jupyter notebook dynamic_programming/dp.ipynb and follow the instructions to implement policy iteration (policy evaluation + policy improvement) and value iteration.

Part 2: Q-Learning and Deep Q-Networks (30 points + 5 bonus points)

Open the jupyter notebook q_learning/q_learning.ipynb and follow the instructions to implement parts of the Q-Learning training procedure and two types of functions for Q networks - a linear Q network and a convolutional Q network.


Step 1: In dynamic_programming/dp.ipynb, make sure you run the entire notebook with the RENDER_ENV variable set to False, before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Convert your notebook files to PDF Option 1: Install wkhtmltopdf and run bash convert_to_pdf.sh to generate the PDF files. Option 2: If option 1 installation doesn’t work, run bash convert_to_pdf.sh --no-pdf and manually generate the pdf files by opening the each intermediate HTML file (dynamic_programming/dp.html and q_learning/q_learning.html) in your browser and saving them as PDFs with the name (dynamic_programming/dp.pdf and q_learning/q_learning.pdf).

Step 3: Submit the two PDF files generated in Step 2 to the assignment titled “HW4” in Gradescope. Assign all pages of dynamic_programming/dp.pdf to Question 5.1, and all pages of q_learning/q_learning.pdf to Question 5.2.

Step 4: Run bash collect_submission.sh to generate hw4.zip. Submit this zip file to the assignment titled “HW4 Code” in Gradescope.


  1. CS234: Reinforcement Learning Winter 2019 course
  2. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction - Sutton & Barto
  3. PyTorch DQN Tutorial
  4. Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning - Mnih et. al.
  5. Deepmind’s Nature Paper on Deep Q-Learning