1   /*
2    * %W% %E%
3    *
4    * Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
5    * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
6    */
9   package java.util.logging;
11  import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
12  /**
13   * A <tt>Handler</tt> object takes log messages from a <tt>Logger</tt> and
14   * exports them.  It might for example, write them to a console
15   * or write them to a file, or send them to a network logging service,
16   * or forward them to an OS log, or whatever.
17   * <p>
18   * A <tt>Handler</tt> can be disabled by doing a <tt>setLevel(Level.OFF)</tt>
19   * and can  be re-enabled by doing a <tt>setLevel</tt> with an appropriate level.
20   * <p>
21   * <tt>Handler</tt> classes typically use <tt>LogManager</tt> properties to set
22   * default values for the <tt>Handler</tt>'s <tt>Filter</tt>, <tt>Formatter</tt>,
23   * and <tt>Level</tt>.  See the specific documentation for each concrete
24   * <tt>Handler</tt> class.
25   *
26   *
27   * @version %I%, %G%
28   * @since 1.4
29   */
31  public abstract class Handler {
32      private static final int offValue = Level.OFF.intValue();
33      private LogManager manager = LogManager.getLogManager();
34      private Filter filter;
35      private Formatter formatter;
36      private Level logLevel = Level.ALL;
37      private ErrorManager errorManager = new ErrorManager();
38      private String encoding;
40      // Package private support for security checking.  When sealed
41      // is true, we access check updates to the class.
42      boolean sealed = true;
44      /**
45       * Default constructor.  The resulting <tt>Handler</tt> has a log
46       * level of <tt>Level.ALL</tt>, no <tt>Formatter</tt>, and no 
47       * <tt>Filter</tt>.  A default <tt>ErrorManager</tt> instance is installed
48       * as the <tt>ErrorManager</tt>.
49       */
50      protected Handler() {
51      }
53      /**
54       * Publish a <tt>LogRecord</tt>.
55       * <p>
56       * The logging request was made initially to a <tt>Logger</tt> object,
57       * which initialized the <tt>LogRecord</tt> and forwarded it here.
58       * <p>
59       * The <tt>Handler</tt>  is responsible for formatting the message, when and
60       * if necessary.  The formatting should include localization.
61       *
62       * @param  record  description of the log event. A null record is
63       *                 silently ignored and is not published
64       */
65      public abstract void publish(LogRecord record);
67      /**
68       * Flush any buffered output.
69       */
70      public abstract void flush();
72      /**
73       * Close the <tt>Handler</tt> and free all associated resources.
74       * <p>
75       * The close method will perform a <tt>flush</tt> and then close the
76       * <tt>Handler</tt>.   After close has been called this <tt>Handler</tt>
77       * should no longer be used.  Method calls may either be silently
78       * ignored or may throw runtime exceptions.
79       *
80       * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
81       *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
82       */
83      public abstract void close() throws SecurityException;
85      /**
86       * Set a <tt>Formatter</tt>.  This <tt>Formatter</tt> will be used 
87       * to format <tt>LogRecords</tt> for this <tt>Handler</tt>.
88       * <p>
89       * Some <tt>Handlers</tt> may not use <tt>Formatters</tt>, in 
90       * which case the <tt>Formatter</tt> will be remembered, but not used.
91       * <p>
92       * @param newFormatter the <tt>Formatter</tt> to use (may not be null)
93       * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
94       *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
95       */
96      public void setFormatter(Formatter newFormatter) throws SecurityException {
97      checkAccess();
98      // Check for a null pointer:
99      newFormatter.getClass();
100     formatter = newFormatter;
101     }
103     /**
104      * Return the <tt>Formatter</tt> for this <tt>Handler</tt>.
105      * @return the <tt>Formatter</tt> (may be null).
106      */
107     public Formatter getFormatter() {
108     return formatter;
109     }
111     /**
112      * Set the character encoding used by this <tt>Handler</tt>.
113      * <p>
114      * The encoding should be set before any <tt>LogRecords</tt> are written
115      * to the <tt>Handler</tt>.
116      *
117      * @param encoding  The name of a supported character encoding.
118      *        May be null, to indicate the default platform encoding.
119      * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
120      *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
121      * @exception  UnsupportedEncodingException if the named encoding is
122      *      not supported.
123      */
124     public void setEncoding(String encoding) 
125             throws SecurityException, java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException {
126     checkAccess();
127     if (encoding != null) {
128         try {
129             if(!java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(encoding)) {
130                 throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(encoding);
131             }       
132         } catch (java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException e) {
133             throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(encoding);
134         }
135     }
136     this.encoding = encoding;
137     }
139     /**
140      * Return the character encoding for this <tt>Handler</tt>.
141      *
142      * @return  The encoding name.  May be null, which indicates the
143      *          default encoding should be used.
144      */
145     public String getEncoding() {
146     return encoding;
147     }
149     /**
150      * Set a <tt>Filter</tt> to control output on this <tt>Handler</tt>.
151      * <P>
152      * For each call of <tt>publish</tt> the <tt>Handler</tt> will call
153      * this <tt>Filter</tt> (if it is non-null) to check if the
154      * <tt>LogRecord</tt> should be published or discarded.
155      *
156      * @param   newFilter  a <tt>Filter</tt> object (may be null)
157      * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
158      *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
159      */
160     public void setFilter(Filter newFilter) throws SecurityException {
161     checkAccess();
162     filter = newFilter;
163     }
165     /**
166      * Get the current <tt>Filter</tt> for this <tt>Handler</tt>.
167      *
168      * @return  a <tt>Filter</tt> object (may be null)
169      */
170     public Filter getFilter() {
171     return filter;
172     }
174     /**
175      * Define an ErrorManager for this Handler.
176      * <p>
177      * The ErrorManager's "error" method will be invoked if any
178      * errors occur while using this Handler.
179      *
180      * @param em  the new ErrorManager
181      * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
182      *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
183      */
184     public void setErrorManager(ErrorManager em) {
185     checkAccess();
186     if (em == null) {
187        throw new NullPointerException();
188     }
189     errorManager = em;
190     }
192     /**
193      * Retrieves the ErrorManager for this Handler.
194      *
195      * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
196      *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
197      */
198     public ErrorManager getErrorManager() {
199     checkAccess();
200     return errorManager;
201     }
203    /**
204      * Protected convenience method to report an error to this Handler's
205      * ErrorManager.  Note that this method retrieves and uses the ErrorManager
206      * without doing a security check.  It can therefore be used in
207      * environments where the caller may be non-privileged.
208      *
209      * @param msg    a descriptive string (may be null)
210      * @param ex     an exception (may be null)
211      * @param code   an error code defined in ErrorManager
212      */
213     protected void reportError(String msg, Exception ex, int code) {
214     try {
215         errorManager.error(msg, ex, code);
216     } catch (Exception ex2) {
217         System.err.println("Handler.reportError caught:");  
218         ex2.printStackTrace();
219     }
220     }
222     /**
223      * Set the log level specifying which message levels will be
224      * logged by this <tt>Handler</tt>.  Message levels lower than this
225      * value will be discarded. 
226      * <p>
227      * The intention is to allow developers to turn on voluminous
228      * logging, but to limit the messages that are sent to certain
229      * <tt>Handlers</tt>.
230      * 
231      * @param newLevel   the new value for the log level
232      * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
233      *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
234      */
235     public synchronized void setLevel(Level newLevel) throws SecurityException {
236     if (newLevel == null) {
237         throw new NullPointerException();
238     }
239     checkAccess();
240     logLevel = newLevel;
241     }
243     /**
244      * Get the log level specifying which messages will be
245      * logged by this <tt>Handler</tt>.  Message levels lower
246      * than this level will be discarded.
247      * @return  the level of messages being logged.
248      */
249     public synchronized Level getLevel() {
250     return logLevel;
251     }
253     /**
254      * Check if this <tt>Handler</tt> would actually log a given <tt>LogRecord</tt>.
255      * <p>
256      * This method checks if the <tt>LogRecord</tt> has an appropriate 
257      * <tt>Level</tt> and  whether it satisfies any <tt>Filter</tt>.  It also
258      * may make other <tt>Handler</tt> specific checks that might prevent a
259      * handler from logging the <tt>LogRecord</tt>. It will return false if 
260      * the <tt>LogRecord</tt> is Null.
261      * <p>
262      * @param record  a <tt>LogRecord</tt>
263      * @return true if the <tt>LogRecord</tt> would be logged.
264      *
265      */
266     public boolean isLoggable(LogRecord record) {
267     int levelValue = getLevel().intValue();
268     if (record.getLevel().intValue() < levelValue || levelValue == offValue) {
269         return false;
270     }
271     Filter filter = getFilter();
272     if (filter == null) {   
273         return true;
274     }
275     return filter.isLoggable(record);
276     }
278     // Package-private support method for security checks.
279     // If "sealed" is true, we check that the caller has
280     // appropriate security privileges to update Handler
281     // state and if not throw a SecurityException.
282     void checkAccess() throws SecurityException {
283     if (sealed) {
284         manager.checkAccess();
285     }
286     }
287 }