Class PALplate.interactors.drag_handle
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Class PALplate.interactors.drag_handle


public class drag_handle
extends drag_container
A container class for drag_container that provides a drag handle. Modified from drag_container

Variable Index

 o _handle
Image for the grow handle soon to be obsolete.

Constructor Index

 o drag_handle(int, int, boolean, callback_object, loaded_image)
full constructor.
 o drag_handle(int, int, boolean, loaded_image)
Nearly full constructor.

Method Index

 o draw_self_local(drawable)
Draw the object's current appearance.
 o handle()
Image for the grow handle.
 o pick(int, int, pick_collector)
Determine if this object is "picked" by the the given point.
 o set_handle(loaded_image)
Set the image used for the grow handle.


 o _handle
  protected loaded_image _handle
Image for the grow handle soon to be obsolete.


 o drag_handle
  public drag_handle(int x,
                     int y,
                     boolean do_bb_feedback,
                     callback_object cbo,
                     loaded_image hnd_img)
full constructor.
int - x initial x position of the container.
int - y initial y position of the container.
boolean - do_bb_feedback whether we do bounding box feedback.
callback_object - cbo object to make callbacks to.
loaded_image - hnd_img an image for the grow handle.
 o drag_handle
  public drag_handle(int x,
                     int y,
                     boolean do_bb_feedback,
                     loaded_image hnd_img)
Nearly full constructor. This provides a null callback.
int - x initial x position of the container.
int - y initial y position of the container.
boolean - do_bb_feedback whether we do bounding box feedback.
loaded_image - hnd_img an image for the grow handle.


 o handle
  public loaded_image handle()
Image for the grow handle.
loaded_image the current image for the grow handle.
 o set_handle
  public void set_handle(loaded_image himg)
Set the image used for the grow handle.
loaded_image - himg the new image for the grow handle.
 o pick
  public void pick(int pt_x,
                   int pt_y,
                   pick_collector pick_list)
Determine if this object is "picked" by the the given point. In this case, we are only picked if they hit our grow handle at the lower right.
int - pt_x the x coordinate of the query point.
int - pt_y the y coordinate of the query point.
pick_collector - pick_list the result list we add ourselves to if we are picked.
pick in class drag_container
 o draw_self_local
  protected void draw_self_local(drawable d)
Draw the object's current appearance. This draws the children, along with a border rectangle and drag handle at the lower right.
drawable - d the surface to draw on.
draw_self_local in class drag_container

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