
BERT-PLUGIN is a eclipse plugin for regression testing. We implement BERT(BEhavioral Regression Testing) approach in this plugin.

BERT-PLUGIN contains following parts of BERT approach: change analyzer, test generator, relevant objects instrumentation and behavioral differences analyzers.

BERT-PLUGIN can automated check change information between two versions of a project, generate test suite, instrument project and present behavioral differences in the project.

System Requirements:

  • Java SDK version 1.5 and above. Make sure you added jdk/bin directory into your system environment.

  • Eclipse Classic version 3.2 and above.

  • Installation:

    1. Download the plugin.

    2. Close all eclipse applications.

    3. Put the plugin's jar file in eclipse's plugin. Usually in plugins/ under your eclipse directory.

    4. Start eclipse. You will see a new menu called "BERT" in your menu bar if eclipse loads BERT-PLUGIN correctly.


    1. Configuration for BERT-PLUGIN: Open from menu bar Project->Properties. You can find "Bert Properties" page if the plugin loaded correctly. Here you can select whether to use BERT-PLUGIN and the source of test case.

    2. Test case selection: You can select the source of test cases by three ways: generating from Randoop tool, using your own created test cases from "bin/test/" folder in your project and using some other extra test case class. Make sure your created test cases are valid JUnit class, otherwise our tool can not recognize them.

    Library Dependency:

    Our plugin uses following libraries:

    1. Randoop: an automatic test generator for Java.

    2. Javassist: a class library for editing bytecodes in Java.

    3. SAXParser: a XML parser library in Java SDK.

    They are already included in our released jar file. Thanks to developers of all above libraries.


    If you have any question about this tool, feel free to contact Wei Jin.