Data Illustrator and Data Animator

Team Members: John Thompson, Zhicheng "Leo" Liu (Univ. Maryland), John Stasko, and our colleagues at Adobe

Run Data Illustrator
Run Data Animator

    Data Animator: Authoring expressive Animated Data Graphics - CHI 2021
    Understanding the Design Space and Authoring Paradigms for Animated Data Graphics - EuroVis 2020
    Data Illustrator: Augmenting Vector Design Tools with Lazy Data Binding for Expressive Visualization Authoring - CHI 2018 Best Paper (Talk video and slides)
    Understanding Data-Driven Visual Encodings through Visual Deconstruction - IEEE InfoVis 2016 Poster

    VIDEO: Data Animator System overview - CHI 2021 (vimeo)
    VIDEO: Data Illustrator System overview - CHI 2018 (vimeo)

Graphic designers have been producing infographics and charts well before the recent proliferation of computer generated visualizations. As visualization becomes an increasingly popular medium for storytelling and communication, there is a renewed and growing interest to understand visualization creation from the perspective of graphic design. To solve this problem, we propose a novel visual language that describes the composition and generation of diverse visualizations based on the "lazy data binding" approach. This language builds on familiar graphic design concepts such as vector paths, anchor points and segments, and introduces novel primitives for data-driven authoring. Data Illustrator offers direct manipulation techniques for easy and flexible visualization authoring. We demonstrate the expressive power of our approach through a range of well-known, real-world examples.