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GVU Research Showcase Spring 2022

Featured Projects

We present KnowledgeVIS, a visual analytics tool in your browser for exploring and browsing relationships that language models (LMs) have learned by identifying, comparing, and summarizing LM predictions
Scholastic esports focus on the development of student ability, interest, and character through extracurricular competitive gaming experiences and community building. Students in this VIP Esports team work closely with educational professionals, the Georgia Department of Education, the Georgia Scholastic Esports Foundation, and the North American Scholastic Esports Federation to research the impacts on K-12 students through scholastic esports participation and the creation of tools for educational professionals that support their scholastic esports programming.
This demo shows a system called Dust and Magnet (DnM) that is a general purpose data visualization system. DnM represents data items as iron dust. Each attribute of the data then is a magnet. The system is implemented on a large multi-touch display where the analyst can deploy magnets and drag them around the view. Data points will then be attracted more strongly or weakly depending on that data item's value of the attribute represented by each magnet. This system provides a very hands-on, visceral data exploration experience.


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23 Core Areas
300 Researchers
250 Current
80 Partners
$9 Million in Grants


GVU Resource Labs


App Lab

App Lab

Built for Success

A mobile computing "hackerspace."
Visit the App Lab website

Location: TSRB 333

GVU Prototyping Lab

GVU Prototyping Lab

From Concept to Creation

A rapid prototyping "makerspace."
Visit the Prototyping Lab website

Location: TSRB Basement

GVU Craft Lab

GVU Craft Lab

Making for All

A soft-goods "makerspace."
Visit the Craft Lab website

Location: TSRB 225B

Usability Lab

Usability Lab

Testing Methods and Technology

An adaptable project testing space.
Visit the Usability Lab website

Location: TSRB 216