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School of Literature, Communication and Culture
College of Computing

Anne Balsamo

Associate Professor,
School of Literature, Communication and Culture

Anne Balsamo is the director of the master's program in Information Design and Technology in the School of Literature, Communication and Culture. She also teaches courses in LCC's undergraduate program in "Science, Technology and Culture." Her first book, Technologies of the Gendered Body: Reading Cyborg Women was published by Duke University Press in 1996. The individual chapters investigate the relationship between the body and technology in the practices of cosmetic surgery, reproductive engineering, the popular culture of virtual reality, and computer-mediated communication. Her current research investigates the cultural impact of new information technologies, with an emphasis on the construction of new bio-interfaces. She is the co-project director of a multimedia documentary called "Women of the World Talk Back."

Contact information:

    Anne Balsamo
    Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
    College of Computing
    801 Atlantic Drive
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
    E-mail: anne.balsamo@lcc.gatech.edu


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