GVU's General Information Survey Form

Copyright 1995
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
Usage Restrictions

How did you find out about the Third WWW User Survey?
Please check all that apply
How long have you been on the Internet (including email, gopher, ftp, etc.)?
Are you the primary/sole user of the machine you are currently using? That is, even though others may remotely login to your system, are you the one who sits in front of it?
How many personal computers do you own?
Would you be willing to pay for information from WWW sites/databases?
What is the nature of your primary Internet access provider?
Which online services do you currently subscribe to?
Please check all that apply.
Who pays for your Internet access?
Please check all that apply.
How many hours per week do you use your computer for fun/play?
How many hours per week do you use your computer for work?
Which of the following categories best describes your primary occupation?
Please indicate the highest level of education completed.
What is your gender?
Note: This is a sensitive question, though can help WWW developers to understand the needs of current Web users - it is not intended to offend. What is your race/ethnic origin?
What is your current marital status?
Note: This is a sensitive question, though can help WWW developers to understand the needs of current Web users - it is not intended to offend. Are you disabled or impaired?
How many people in your household are dependent children?
Where are you located?
Please indicate your current household income in U.S. dollars
What is your age?
What is your primary computing platform?

Please add any comments here.

Adaptive Responses:

Below are the options listed for the adaptive portions.


From which country in Oceania are you filling out this survey?
From which state in the USA are you filling out this survey?
From which provinces/territory/country are you filling out this survey? (If you are in the USA, please go back to the previous page and select the - North America (USA) option)
From which country in Asia are you filling out this survey?
From which country in Africa are you filling out this survey?
From which country in the West Indies are you filling out this survey?
From which country in South America are you filling out this survey?
From which country in Central America are you filling out this survey?
From which country in the Middle East are you filling out this survey?
From which country in Europe are you filling out this survey?


Which of the following categories best describes your role in the computer industry?
Which of the following categories best describes your role in management?
Which of the following categories best describes your professional role?
Which of the following categories best describes your role in education?
Which of the following categories best describes your role?
For more information or to submit comments:
send e-mail to www-survey@cc.gatech.edu.

GVU's WWW Surveying Team
Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280