GVU's Seventh WWW User Survey General Bulleted List

General Bulleted List

Actual Job


Graphs: [ALL]

Community Building

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

State or Country

Cultural Barriers

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]


Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Education Attainment

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Falsification of Information

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Favorite Late Night Talk Show Host

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]


Graphs: [Location] [Age]

Household Income

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

How You Heard About Survey

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Language Specific Sites

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Major Geographical Location

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Major Occupation

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Marital Status

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Monitor Screen Size

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Most Import Issue Facing the Internet

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Political Party

Graphs: [Total] [Age] [Gender]

Presidential Candidate

Graphs: [Total] [Age] [Gender]

Primary Computing Platform

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Primary Language

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Primary Place of WWW Access

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]


Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Registered to Vote

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Sexual Preference

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Voting Behavior

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Who Pays for Access

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Willingness to Pay Fees

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]

Years on Internet

Graphs: [Location] [Age] [Gender]
Copyright 1997
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
Usage Restrictions
For more information or to submit comments:
send e-mail to www-survey@cc.gatech.edu.

GVU's WWW Surveying Team
Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280