GVU's Web Usage Questionnaire

On average, how often do you use your WWW browser?
By this, we mean using your browser for a specific set of tasks or activities. We do not mean how many times you launch your browser per day.

On average, how many hours a week do you use your WWW browser?
What do you find to be the biggest problems in using the Web?
(Please check all that apply.)
What are the primary uses of your WWW browser?
(Please check all that apply.)
Which of the following connection speeds do you primarily use to connect to the Internet? (Round if necessary.)
If you access the Internet at home via a commercial provider, choose the speed from you to your Internet provider.
Which browser do you expect to be using in 12 months?
People browse the Web in many different ways. Please put a check against all of the following that accurately describe how you like to browse the Web.

How do you find out about WWW pages/sites?
(Please check all that apply.)
Approximately how many items does your Favorites/Bookmark contain?

Why do you save/print WWW documents that you view?
(Please check all that apply.)
Which of the following technologies do you use to communicate with others?
What type of monitor is in front of you?
What is the resolution of monitor in front of you?
What problems do you have using your favorites/bookmarks facility?
(Please check all that apply.)

Please indicate which of the following Favorite/Bookmark activities you perform.
(Please check all that apply.)

Is your company/organization currently utilizing Intranets (private networks based on Internet standards and technology)?
How often do you browse with images/pictures turned off (image loading/show pictures option)

Web Usage

The Web is a versatile tool. Please indicate how often you have the Web for each of the following categories during the past 12 months.
to go shopping?
to access newsgroups information?
to access online newspapers?
to access information about commercial products/services?
instead of watching TV?
to access reference materials?
to access research reports & projects?
to access financial information

This questionnaire was developed by:
GVU's WWW User Survey Team (Jim Pitkow & Colleen Kehoe) and former member Mimi Recker